
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas 2009-Return of the family

(The Huber family circa 1960-something...i'm the little girl on the left being held by my uncle, my parents are on the right.)

Everytime i need a good cry at Christmas time i throw on a Karen Carpenter Christmas tune...doesn't even matter which one, they all make me tear up...there's just something about her voice, so sad, so weary, so..."i don't have the one i love near me" tremble in her voice, even sleigh ride can get my tear ducts going...because i can just imagine her thinking, "i'm in this one horse open sleigh without the one i love, and geez it's cold!"

I live about six and a half hours from my parents, and about 4 plane hours (if you go Southwest, six if you do what use to be Midwest) from my mother-in-law and Christmas is always a reminder of that because they all claim it's too far to travel to my house for a ham dinner...but this year was different, we (hubby and I) were able to guilt my mother-in-law to fly here for Christmas (big, BIG mistake), because Milwaukee is NOT San Diego and it's not 60 degrees here at Christmas time. Nope, not even close. But mom flew here (God bless her) and paid the price, snow storms, rain, indigestion, and loud, LOUD grandkids (because they were old enough to drink) and LOUD great-grandkids, (who weren't old enough to drink) and me...old enough to drink, and darn-it, it's my house AND MY eggnog!...And so the noise, and the nerves merged together on this, the most holy of holidays, and all i could hear through the din was my blessed and very loving mother-in-law (to me) "i hear the alcohol talking!" Which was a blessing, because if it had been ME talking, it could have been brutal...none the less, it was a great day with the fam-dam-ly and next year i'm asking Santa for a big box filled with valium under the tree!

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Snowmaggeadon, part 2

Didn't have to sleep overnight at the station, the boss made a deal with the Hilton down the road so i slid (literally) down the road to the Hilton at Park Place. And it was beautiful, puffed up pillows, sinfully comfortable bed, pool, hot tub, sauna, and me with no bathing suit. And no family. So it's 9pm in a beautiful hotel room with cable when i discover a very uncomfortable fact about myself, i'm boring, and i bore me! Oh wait, i have one ambien. Problem solved!

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Snowmaggeadon 2009

My car, one hour ago.

Oh yeah, i'm ready for winter now. I'm no fool, i know how nasty the weather can be, plus one year i was snowed in at a radio station...actually, i lived close enough to walk home if i was desperate enough but nobody else could get in, so in the days of 24 hour live dj's i was on the air...for 18 hours. I was so exhausted, that when i did finally get off the air and go home, i couldn't sleep!

Today, i'm ready. I have a box in my trunk that contains all my winter necessities just in case i'm snowed in at work; Pillow, blanket, box of honeydip donuts, and can never be too careful!

Tuesday, December 01, 2009


It's 51 degrees on December 1st and my beautiful iris decided to bloom! Take that mother nature!!

Long after my mums have called it a season my bearded blue iris has stuck it's neck out against the approaching winter.
I need to be more like my iris.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving 2009!

Happy Thanksgiving to you! I was just thinking how much i have to be thankful dad's colon cancer has been in remission now for about 4 years and i'm so grateful for that. Sure, there's a little less money in the pocket then in previous years, but the bills are getting paid, my husband, kids (and grandkids are healthy) and honestly, you can't put a price on that...i mean, literally...3 years ago i was rushed to the hospital with pain so severe i thought for sure i was having a heart attack. Once in the emergency room-loaded up on morphine, i overheard my doctor talking to someone about a blood clot and how they might die. I'm thinking to myself "poor sucker, i hope they make it" until i realized it was me he was referring that moment my life became crystal clear, i wasn't worried about my job or lack of fame or how broke i thought i thoughts were for my husband and family and how much i loved them. Thankfully it was a misdiagnosis (although i'll be paying on that bill for the rest of my life), but from that point life became easier because i stopped sweating the small stuff (well, except for that 10 pounds i really need to lose)'s about my family and i'm thankful this year.

And now, for the Bill Nicholson Krispy Kreme doughnut butter rum pudding!!! (As seen on the Paula Deen show)

2 dozen Krispy Kreme donuts
1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed milk (not evaporated-you use evaporated for fudge-and this ain't fudge)
2 (4.5-ounce) cans fruit cocktail (undrained)
2 eggs, beaten
1 (9-ounce) box raisins (i don't know about you but i always skip them)1 pinch salt
1 or 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
Butter Rum Sauce, recipe follows
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Cube donuts into a large bowl. Pour other ingredients on top of donuts and let soak for a few minutes. Mix all ingredients together until donuts have soaked up the liquid as much as possible.

Bake for about 1 hour until center has jelled. Top with Butter Rum Sauce.

Butter Rum Sauce:

1 stick butter

1 pound box confectioners' sugar

(lot's of) Rum, to taste

Melt butter and slowly stir in confectioners' sugar. Add rum and heat until bubbly. Pour over each serving of Krispy Kreme Bread Pudding.

Oh, how many don't want to know.

ps...if you don't have time to put the Krispy Kreme pudding together, do what i some Malibu Rum, put that in with the hot chocolate, slightly nuke the Krispy ; )

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

God bless our Veterans!

I just want to thank our veterans for their sacrifice, although a simple thanks does not seem enough.
This is my favorite picture of my stepson Mark taken Christmas, 2007. His dad, mom, stepdad and I are very proud of him.

It seems like a lifetime ago that Mark was in the play Music Man in high school, singing and dancing but we always knew his desire to be a MARINE. There was never any doubt on his part. It was something he was born to do.

Mark has been to Iraq twice and will be heading to Afganistan in February, but we have never heard him complain. This is the job he signed up to do, to serve our country as a marine, and we love him very much.

May God bless all our veteran today, and everyday.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why i don't go to Haunted Houses

My teenagers are always asking me why i don't go to haunted houses, but honestly, when you work at a haunted radio station, why would you...i don't like to mix business with pleasure! I just wish the owners hadn't built the station on a haunted ancient indian burial site!

This tree is a few blocks from where i live and i like to take my grandkids by there, they get a kick out of it...there's no halloween candy at my house as my daughter was too sick to go trick or treating this year (swine flu-really, not a joke), so when i get off of work tonite i'm gonna have to go home and shake down the grandkids!

Thursday, October 08, 2009

The night the remote broke

Two hours and 43 minutes ago Jim and Pam from the television show THE OFFICE got married. Two hours and 44 minutes ago i asked my husband to turn the channel from Channel 3 to Channel 4. It should have been real simple, but rarely is anything in life simple.

So here's what happened. My husband bought a 50 inch plasma television that has high def (whatever that means) and my husband was indeed watching the ballgame on "channel 3" but it wasn't TBS channel 3, it was the TBS in the HIGH DEF channel....with me so far? The problem was that he didn't know what the NBC channel was in high def so he started flicking through the channels...i saw 8pm come and i saw 8pm go because my husband INSISTED that i must watch the HIGH DEF channel when ALL I WANTED TO DO WAS WATCH JIM AND PAM OF THE OFFICE GET MARRIED! (oh wait, i was yelling...sorry)
Now i know what you were thinking, why didn't we just hit the guide part of the remote, but that was, um, accidently broken last week when when i flung it against a wall because once again the remote didn't work...turns out the batteries died, (which was a whole nuther problem as the kids keep substituting their worn out batteries from their ipods into the clicker and taking the good ones out)....and it was a bad week, and i had just given up smoking for the hundreth time, and if you can think of another good reason please let me know...

So what happened next is the channel got stuck on some animal fishing high def...and i finally resisted the urge to bang my head against the wall, and ended up taking the dog out for a walk. As i was walking by my 84 year old neighbors house, i noticed her tv was on and stuck my head in the window to see watch channel was on...she turned and noticed me and started screaming but thankfully recognized me and didn't call the police on me as that would have been a bummer...(hey boss, the reason i won't be in work tomorrow...).
So my neighbor, being the kind of wonderful soul she is, turned from Channel 5 Survivor to Channel 4 The Office and i was able to watch the last 30 minutes of the show on a 19 inch color tv...wasn't sure if it was in high def but sincerely doubt it...some of the humor was not her style but i made up for it offering to walk her dog tomorrow morning.

When i got back home my husband was watching some baseball high def.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Why Tamper with Perfection?

I got an email from a friend of mine (Tom Greco) yesterday who went on and on about how awesome the remastered Beatles cd sounds "sharp, no background noise."

I don't get this fascination with "if it ain't broke, let's fix it...NEW Coke anyone(?), KFC's new grilled chicken...excuse me, you already have Original and extra crispy...could this have been the same dude that said "bacon taste good, but lets see how it tastes slathered in chocolate on a stick?" (oh wait, that WAS a good idea)

Why tamper with perfection? Who was the dude that was listening to Sgt. Pepper and thought, yeah, this is ok but how about making it sharper, ...well, it's like taking a song by Karen Carpenter (one of the world's most beautiful and soothing voices)and throwing Mariah Carey high notes to it...sooooo not necessary!

Really, if your listening to the Beatles Long and winding road and thinking this is ok, but let's add technology, you've missed the point!

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

FREE Family Fun at Flabbergast Saturday...A Recap

I want to thank all of you who stopped out and said hi to me at Flabbergast last weekend in Sussex...

This is my friend Reyne who actually challenged me last year in the LA Weight loss Challenge, and she has actually kept ALL her weight off! We are busy petting a 69 pound Belgian Malinois from Holland that the Waukesha County Sheriff Department uses instead of German Shepard's. (Oh, the reason, because the dogs are healthier and live longer then the Shepard's, and they've cut their vet bills in half) Bronco the dog was extremely friendly but the sheriff had to keep telling me to keep my face away from his (i kept trying to hug him...apparently the dogs have a thing about people putting their face in "their face")

This is my friend Tracy who is a teacher at Early Momentum Childcare which is right next to Flabbergast. I met her a couple of years ago when i was in between radio gigs and we both worked as temps in the basement of Bradley Corporation. She is the one who taught me that "desktop" in a computer is not the same as "boy, my desktop is a mess!" She is awesome and it was great to catch up with her and her little boy Sebastian!

I LOVE the bouncy castle!!!!

While we were at Flabbergast the fine students from HEAT (cheer leading school) assured me they could teach me how to do a somersault.

I believe they were overly optimistic.
If your kids drive you crazy on the weekends, bring them out to Flabbergast in Sussex.
You can also tour Momentum Early Learning which is located right next to Flabbergast at W248 N5250 Executive Drive in Sussex.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Not my kid's BFF

I was finally coerced by one of our B93.3FM sales accountants to join the rest of civilization yesterday on Facebook and OMG, there's an incredible number of you who do nothing but hangout on there and i know that because NOW I'm hanging out there too...when i wake up in the middle of the night facebook is always there...waiting for me to log on and an hour later i'm still on!!! Plus, i suck at Mafia wars, and honestly, i don't need another bouquet of flowers for my farm in Farmville...although if you have an extra sheep...

The problem with facebook was the same problem i had with myspace, linkled or whatever it's called and all the other web pages clamoring for my attention...i don't have any free extra time to read up on anyone else cuz there's just too many good shows on tv! Which brings me to another problem with kids...i sent both of them a request to be their facebrook "friend" and i noticed this morning that my request is still pending and neither one has said anything about don't think they're ignoring me do you?

Ps...oh wait, i have a friend request...uh oh, it's my boss...hmmmm....ignore...hey, you can't be friends with everyone!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cindy at the State Fair 2009

Just to put an end to the "we're all the same person" rumors (which i believe our boss Stan started), this would be me, Julie, and CV hanging out at the Fair in one of those rare times that we're all up at the same time!

Isn't this little girl a sweetie?! She told her mom she wanted to meet me.

I was hoping i'd run into Roz, she of the "if you get your fingers to close to her hat it'll bite you(!) fame"... And for the record, i needed two stitches! ; )

I LOVE RONNIE NYLES! I've known her since we were starving artist in Green Bay, and what the heck, i'm still starving. Ronnie has won several best artist WAMI's and is one of the most incredible singers i've ever heard! Her partner Tina is an incredible artist as well and is one of the best hairstylists in Milwaukee and both have been incredible friends of mine and i was honored they stopped by to say hi.

I know you hear her on the air all the time, this is Karen Fox with her beautiful family and her husband whom i use to listen all the time to, before i started my shift at the same time, JJ from the Brew...i really miss him on the air.

I am the very proud "bonus" grandma to my grandson Aaron, granddaughter Lily, my stepdaughter Karen and her friend. Let me assure you, it's really a lot of fun when they're your grandkids!

One of my absolute favorite place to visit at the Fair this year (other then the Cream Puffs, chocolate bacon and baby animals barn) was the Loreal Tent where they had experts to help you and FREE MAKEUP MAKE OVERS!
This is my beauty consultant Yvette who was a sweetie, and worked very hard to give me the perfect look!
It's a pity i won't look this good until they come back and do it again next year!

Thanks made me look awesome, it's a pity i don't remember how you did it!
The solution to bad hair days at the Fair!

Also, you can't overeat with the Bee head can't breather either!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Too old for the room

A friend asked me why i don't do comedy anymore. That is a true friend. She's also a friend that has never seen me get up on stage and literally suck wind out of a place. I didn't even rate a heckle from the room, although the last time i got up on a comedy stage it was for a Nickelodeon funniest mom in America contest so perhaps the audience was too polite.

It was at Zanies in Chicago and for the first time ever, i didn't have to be first. (Even at Comedy graduation class-"Cindy, you go out first and warm them up"...riiiight...) Maybe that was my problem. I've always been the first one out so in the past whenever someone asked me, "how'd you do" i'd say i was great but my audience was too sober and whoever had asked would say "riiiiiight." But this time I was number 8 or 9, and here was my chance. My audience had had a few drinks and were warmed up so off on stage i went with my little yellow postnotes of solid gold nuggets written up with past experiences tweaked with my comic insights.

"Hello there, i'm Cindy Huber from Milwaukee, Wisconsin and my family thinks i have a problem with road rage. Yesterday when my daughter was in the car with me she asked me "why are you always flipping people off, i told her cuz mommy doesn't have a gun!"

That got a huge laugh but would you expect anything less from Illinois? Then i launched into a sweet but funny phone call i had made to my 98 year old grandma and the room went quiet. Deathly quiet. Except for the sound of crickets which at the time i thought was weird because here i am in downtown Chicago and it was November so how did the crickets get in here? Never had three minutes gone by so slowly (for me-so i could only imagine how the audience felt). Jokes that had worked on stage in Appleton only a year before were crashing and burning all over the place and i could smell the sulfer, and hear the crickets. The next "mommy" comic got up and told three minutes of kid fart jokes and the audience was applauding and screaming for more. I kept thinking "am i the only German in the audience who hates fart jokes"...i cringe whenever i hear Jessica Simpson say she toots in bed). But what do i know, that mommy got a call back. And my grandma died 3 days later, and with her, some of my best material.

So a couple of days ago i'm in the studio's backlot recovering from my radio show, and listening to the kids from promotions (alright, they're all in their twenties so technically they're not kids) but then again they are playing foursquare, burning off the excess energy that comes with being young with a healthy immune system but they're also shouting out categories, and if you can't keep up with the flow your out. So i thought "easy enough" and joined the fun. The subject was beer, when the ball came my way i shouted "zima" but apparently, Zima is not a malt liquor and so does not qualify. And i was out. Then the "kids" went on for 20 more minutes on beer and i didn't honestly know there was that much beer and that's big coming from someone who was once a country-western dj! But i'm no quitter, so when they paused i jumped into the game again and rattled off the next subject. Menopause. "Mood swings!" I won.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sara's burial garden plot

Well, first i have to tell you, this was not a burial plot. It was suppose to be a vegetable garden!

Last year my daughter cleared a spot in the backyard, and we had the greatest garden! Even the bunnies liked it, but for the most part, all the tomatoes survived and it was great. This year my daughter expanded the spot until it unfortunately resembled...a plot. Or as my husband called it, "a baby burial plot." But that was because we hadn't put the vegetables in yet, we were waiting for payday to do it. In the meanwhile my neighbor found another dead robin in her yard. It was the second one to fall out of the tree with no other signs of trauma. She was quite disturbed and i asked my husband (a mortician) if he would go over and get rid of it for her (since death is normally no big deal for him). The last thing i told him was "whatever you do, don't throw the bird in Sara's garden burial plot."

So guess where he buried the bird?

You got it...Sara's garden burial plot!
And my daughter is IRATE.

But wait, it gets better!

In the meantime, my neighbor saw something in the paper that said if you have more then one robin die mysteriously, you have to call the DNR. Which she did. And then she told me what they said.

They said, we have to go out, dig out the robin from the "burial plot" and wrap it in a double baggie, and put it in our freezer til they can come get it and check it out to make sure it doesn't have the West Nile virus or something.

I'm calling my husband right now. You don't think i'm going out there to dig it up do you?

Friday, June 05, 2009

Next years garden...this year

I have always dreamed of a garden in which the impatiens and begonias were color coordinated and the weeds thinned themselves. I have always thought myself "a gardener" but my husband says that's too strong a word. He says I'm more like a four year old someone gave a hand grenade to and told to go crazy-without the bloodshed.

Every spring i start the season vowing this is going to be the best year ever! I start out at Kmart (because they have the cheapest prices in my area) with about 40 dollars of dreams and stamina. I say stamina because after i get home with all my impatiens and geraniums and waxed begonias, it suddenly dawns on me "whose gonna plant all this crap?"

Pictured above is last years "next years garden project." What you see is my neighbors crappy fence and about 40 bucks of Publishers Clearing house irises and glads (10 dollars a month in 4 monthly installments!) which i planted in remembrance of my grandmother and uncle. (Actually i planted a cherry tree in honor of my grandmother but the rabbits ate it.) They've (bunnies) left the iris and glads alone. Shortly after i took this picture the lavender my neighbor gave me bloomed. You can't really see this because it's hunched over as the bunnies have been chomping on it, but the smell is absolutely intoxicating!

Everything in this picture (above) was donated years ago. The hosta's, the snow on the mountain, and the bush on the right. I have no idea what that bush is called, my neighbor Violet didn't want it, and so i went over and dug it up. Also pictured is the phlox before they bloomed. They're the tall plants to the right of the hosta's and next to the bush.

I LOVE pansy's but they break my heart every year. They look beautiful until July 4th, you don't even have to look at the calender, July 4th they still look great but i swear to God the very next day, July 5th, they bend over and die, they can't take the heat. It doesn't stop me from planting them, I mean what else can you plant in March that will survive the early spring frost?! The pansy's are the yellow and blue in the background. They looked incredible this past May but you can already see them fading.

I should have suspected something when a fellow coworker gave me a small paper bag with an innocent looking little "weed" and told me "just be careful where i plant it." I should have said "why?" I didn't and as you can see, this little "perennial" is taking over the entire yard and running over everything in it's path. I've spent three years trying to dig it up and it's spent all three years going "up yours" and re rooting itself all over my other hosta's and perennials. I recently went to a garden store and saw they were selling this "plant" for six bucks for a three pound bucket. You are welcome to come dig mine up for FREE! I'll even provide you a shovel.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Life in 46 seconds

There's a sad story out of Oklahoma City involving a Desert Storm veteran who worked as a pharmacist in a crime ridden section of the city, and an unarmed 16 year old who made the fatal mistake of helping his 14 year old friend with a robbery one week ago today. Except, neither boy expected the pharmacist to have a gun. The entire botched scheme was caught on video, and the robbery, from start to death took only 46 seconds.
In the first 10 seconds the armed 14 year old, and his unarmed friend enter the pharmacy, with the 14 year old waving the gun as his 16 year old friend struggles to put his mask on. In the next few seconds all hell breaks lose as the 16 year old jerks to the right of the video and falls to the ground while the 14 year old runs out of the store. The Desert Storm veteran is seen holding a gun and chasing (and firing) two more shots at the 14 year old. The pharmacist then returns and after checking on his two female employees, returns to the injured 16 year old and fires FIVE more shots into his stomach, killing him. The entire scene plays out in about 46 seconds on video. The police filed murder charges against the pharmacist after viewing the video.

You occasionally hear about these stories in the news, thief killed by store clerk in robbery attempt but maybe it's because after several years of living in Milwaukee I thought I was immune to the stories, until I saw this bad decision by a couple of teens play out on video, in only 46 seconds.

You have to wonder how long the teens planned for this, a couple of days, a week(?), did they single out this particular pharmacy or was it just opportunity, and a gun? And just how did the 14 year old get the gun, or did he steal it, did the boys flip a coin to decide who would hold the gun, or did the 14 year old have to talk the older teen into helping with the robbery, which I suspect could have been the case after watching the 16 year old struggle to put his mask on while his friend waved the gun. You have to wonder on watching this if it ever crossed their mind that maybe something could go wrong, or were they too focused on what they could buy with all their easy money. Did they ever once consider how easy it would be to die, in only 46 seconds.

Tonight, it's one week later and the 16 year old is in the ground while his 14 year old friend is behind bars, and a disabled Desert Storm veteran with a legally concealed weapon is facing murder charges, thanks to a bad decision played out in life, in only 46 seconds.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Being Stalked by Swine Flu

With all the tv coverage on the latest "soon to be" health disaster swine flu, it almost appears the swine's are getting even with us for our love of sausage. So the next time you open that package of bacon, make sure you look over your shoulder because...

Oh wait. It's a flu, that started with swine? Wow, i've always heard that pigs were smart, and now they've found a way to wipe us humans out with...

Look, i'm not trying to be funny, (oh wait, yes i am!) but my lack of humor is beside the point. Yes, people in Mexico have died from swine flu. People in Wisconsin die from drunken drivers. Maybe it's the fear of being struck down by something you can't see, much like any of those horror movies that have Jason in them, where you just know you shouldn't spend the night in that abandened summer camphouse, but you just can't help it...although in this case it's the flu, and it's hiding out in a beach near Cancun...well that explains the recent swine flu case involving drunken college students...i presume they had plenty to drink but you know what, maybe they were all sipping wait, they were college kids in Cancun! Are you sure they weren't drinking the water?

I can remember the hysteria over Aids in the 80's...Oh my goodness, beware of gay men! Oh wait, it's a affects the immune system. You don't have to be gay to get it. It's viral opportunity, let your guard down, let your immune system suffer, and one of many hundreds of thousands of viruses just waiting for their chance will pounce.

So don't eat meat, stomach cancer, don't go out in the sun, skin cancer, don't fly in airplanes, terrorists. Do like i'm planning to do, lay in a fetal position on the couch with a glass of red wine and the weather channel on the tube...til the husband stops paying the cable bill (or i run out of red wine) and i'm forced to go back to work.

My grandmother Reba Davison, who was a nurse and spent her life in the health industry survived the great flu epidemic of 1917-1918 and i asked her if she was ever scared. "No," she said, "i just washed my hands, washed my hands." And honestly, that's the best way to prevent most flu's, cold's, noroviruses, and um...colds, wait, i said that already.

So tonite, wash your hands, wash your hands, turn off the news, and enjoy the where's my red wine?

Friday, February 06, 2009

We might need a new word for racist.

You were probably as shocked as i was to hear that Disney's Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus, is a racist.

You see, sometime last weekend, Miley and her friends were goofing off while the paparazzi were near and Miley pulled her eyes in a slanted position. RACIST! That's right, Miley Cyrus got up that morning and decided to insult all of her Asian least that's the position of the OCA, which is an organization dedicated to the well being of Asian Pacific American's. They urged Miley to apologize and she did, explaining to anyone who would listen that she didn't mean to insult Asians...she was just trying to be goofy!

Sure, whatever Miley, we're on to you.

Honestly, racism is an ugly word that involves the idea that one's race is superior to another...but we've been throwing the word racist around for just about every stupid thing lately, that i believe we've totally diluted the meaning. We may have to invent a new word that means racist.

And if you don't agree with me, your probably a racist.

(see how stupid that sounds?)


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

No good deed goes unrewarded...

Last week when the temperature was minus 10 below and the windchill double mom and her friend were turning around in an Iowan parking lot when they saw a small cat dragging itself through the frozen pavement. The cats back paws appeared to be frozen and it was literally trying to pull it's body across the ground.

Well, who wouldn't be moved at the sight of such suffering? My mom immediately stopped the car and her friend rushed over to rescue the cat. My mom took the cat home, fed it some milk, wrapped it in a sweater and took it over to the family vet. The vet said, "what do you want me to do with it" and my mom replied, "save it."

My mom couldn't keep it as she already has three dogs but her friend offered to give it a home. The vet said that the cat would probably lose the top of her ears and perhaps a paw, but one day later, after putting the cat on an IV, the vet said it was looking pretty good for the cat. They just needed to do one more test.

The test came back positive for feline leukemia, and the cat was put down.

The vet bill came in the mail today. It was 200 bucks.

Monday, January 19, 2009

A New Day...or just a song by Celine Dion

Tomorrow we get a new President! (and a free donut from Krispy Kremes...hey wait, they give you a free donut just for walking in the door there...doesn't matter, any excuse will do for a donut!)

You'd think it was the Second Coming by the way people are acting about the inauguration and you know what, it's about time. But i don't mean just because it's President-elect Obama, we should have been doing this every four years, even if it was a president we didn't vote for...because democracy won. People voted, and the guy with the most votes won...Someday we might even say the gal won...Anyhoo, this is the way it works in America, and we're about the only country this happens in...Um Canada, I said just about or aboot, eh?...

You know what's happening in Russia? Putin, the guy that use to be Russia's president who hates our guts...he hand selected a a "puppet" um, man to be president when the Russian constitutional forbid him from ruling...i mean serving three terms...his yes man then made him prime minister, and then changed the constitution so when Putin fixes the Russian election and renames himself president, he won't have to worry about a crazy little thing called term limits. Oh, and when honest journalists and lawyers point out inconvenient truths about how he's actually running and trashing the country, they get assassinated.

So, it's a new day tomorrow, good luck and God bless our new President...and please resist the urge to trash the last's time to move on.

(ps...New Day is a song by Celine Dion, but i prefer Love Can Move Mountains...i love songs with choirs in them.)