I got an email from a friend of mine (Tom Greco) yesterday who went on and on about how awesome the remastered Beatles cd sounds "sharp, no background noise."
I don't get this fascination with "if it ain't broke, let's fix it...NEW Coke anyone(?), KFC's new grilled chicken...excuse me, you already have Original and extra crispy...could this have been the same dude that said "bacon taste good, but lets see how it tastes slathered in chocolate on a stick?" (oh wait, that WAS a good idea)
Why tamper with perfection? Who was the dude that was listening to Sgt. Pepper and thought, yeah, this is ok but how about making it sharper, ...well, it's like taking a song by Karen Carpenter (one of the world's most beautiful and soothing voices)and throwing Mariah Carey high notes to it...sooooo not necessary!
Really, if your listening to the Beatles Long and winding road and thinking this is ok, but let's add technology, you've missed the point!
To be honest I'd have to compare the remastered CD with the original release of the CD to make my decision. That being said, I'll agree with you, I have never listened to any of my Beatles CD's and thought randomly, "I wish this were crisper".
Now speaking of advancing it with technology the question remains - What do you think of Beatles Rockband? Excellent, or just a sell-out?
Smart sellout.
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