I have a saying this time of year when i know i did everything i possibly could to make my garden nice, but somehow it didn't match my vision, and now the season is coming to an end. I go "maybe i didn't get it as nice as i wanted, but there's always "next years garden!"
It's no secret in my neighborhood that i'm gardened challenged. I once planted a pretty cherry tree i bought for four easy payments for my grandma's 99th birthday, and that tree didn't even survive to the fourth payment. Then again, i've had some happy surprises. Like three years ago when i planted a sprig of peppermint because i like the smell of peppermint and exactly one year later the peppermint had pretty much overtaken the entire garden. Now to you, this could have been a big crisis, but i had just discovered how to make mojitos and now, just about every August 1st, i dig up the entire harvest of peppermint, invite the neighbors over and i'm the life of the party! Plus, the peppermint battles the "snow on the mountain perennials" i stupidly planted a few years ago. Now, that's a stinking crisis!
(This picture is next years next years garden)
I start out the summer with a dream, one or two garden coupons and a gardening catalog. I know exactly where i'm going with this, and how nice my garden is going to look...til i get to the gardening place and then it's like i have ADD...oh wait, i do have ADD. Then it becomes "boy oh boy look at the pretty flowers, and oh, i want that one and that one..." Then i go home and my husband goes "oh my God, how much did you spend?!"
So this growing season is over and maybe my garden didn't turn into the garden of Eden i'd been hoping for... but that doesn't matter, cuz there's always my "next years garden."
Aww. HAHA. I find that funny, in a way. XD
You and sara should like
DRAW OUT EXACTLY what it'll look like, and then do last minute changes; just for kicks.
Good luck with next year's garden! :D
It's just that i get over to Steins, and or Bluemels and yes...Kmart, or occasionally Home Depot (i picked up an awesome Azalea plant last there from there!-a happy surprise because the bush has actually prospered where it was um..."accidently" planted)....i get seriously sidetracked at these places...i see all the pretty flowers and i turn into Rainman "judge Wapner at four and is that a dogwood bush?"..and...you know what...next year YOU'RE coming with me, and everytime i reach for or try to buy a plant that is so OBVIOUSLY not part of the plan, your job is to slap me! If i don't leave the plant section of Menards with some serious bruises you aren't doing your job!
BAHA! Alrighty then! Done deal.
flowers are pretty though, so i understand the spazzing, but alright. Tee hee.
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