Heeeeeeeey, it could've been worse, it could have been Alf. Speaking of celebrities, now it can be revealed that actor David Duchovny's recent rehab stay for sex addiction was actually an addiction for internet porn...couldn't they have just saved the money for rehab and canceled the internet?

So THIS is why Joanne Beachum couldn't work over the weekend. Our Joanne went and adopted this kitty (yes, the one pictured) from Purebreadcatrescue.org. And yet, amazingly enough, they still have a couple of cats left if you want to adopt a kitty, or cat...go ahead, check for yourself! Now how weird is this...the author of the best-selling novel THE Horse Whisperer, his wife, her sister and brother-in-law are all in the hospital after eating poisonous mushrooms they picked in the woods, cooked, and ate. It was serious enough that they all had to have dialysis. (You see, that right there, is why i only eat cheese pizza!)

Cloris Leachman is going to be one of the oldest dancers ever on Dancing with the Stars. Cloris is 82. Julie Davidson and i got our butts kicked by a 72 year old in a dance competition so do not rule out Cloris! (By the way, that is my grandmother Reba V. Davidson with Cloris...my grandmother use to babysit Cloris when she was a little girl) Meanwhile, everyone who was ripping on Republican John McCain for being too old, is now ripping on his running mate Sarah Palin for have a pregnant teenage daughter...(honestly i could care less...what does a pregnant teenager have to do with starving polar bears in Alaska or global warming or less foreign oil, cuz that's what i'm worried about this year)
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