If you've ever wondered what this radio jock does after she leaves the station...wait...you've never wondered...not ever?! Shoot...because, when i was a little girl listening to the radio and television, i use to imagine all of my favorite celebrities leaving the airwaves and heading out to their fabulous lives which involved mansions and kids didn't try to stay out all night. But honestly, perhaps celebrities are humans, just like you and me, who put their pant legs on, one leg at a time. ("more cowbell please")
And maybe none of them are lucky to have someone waiting home for them, like i do. Sure, my babe Max is only 12 pounds soaking wet, and honestly, i know that for a fact because he spilled over his water dish the other night in disgust because his food bowl was empty, and then for the fun of it--and because i had a couple of vodka lemonaides in me--i said "hey kids, the dog is soaking wet, let's weigh him!"
But, much like death and taxes, acne breakouts just before a special event, or a craving for a hot fudge sundae two minutes after Kopps closes for the night...my baby is always waiting for me...with his leash...ready for a walk regardless of whether it's raining, sleeting or lightning...which is comforting in a weird sort of way, knowing at least one person in the house is glad to see me, although on the other hand...doesn't anyone else walk the da*n dog during the day!
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