So i'm trapped in the car during rush hour when i start channel surfing (oh right, like you don't do it too)...when all of sudden i hear The Fray--one of the bands we play--on the Christian channel! And i'm p*ssed...they did it again!...stole one of our songs! It seems like everytime i turn on their channel they're playing one of our tunes...like Natasha Bedingfield or Los Lonely Boys!
News flash...Just because Los Lonely Boys are singing about heaven doesn't mean they're singing about your heaven...and how the heck did you even justify stealing The Fray's How to save a life?!
Hey Christians, STOP stealing our songs!!!
I'm willing to make a deal with you...i'll give you back your Amy Grant AND Michael W. Smith IF you promise never to touch our Mr. Misters Kyrie AGAIN...
Let me guess...It was Apologetix who stole the song? That's their forte'.
They hide behind an obscure Supreme Court decision that allows them to steal songs as long as they call them "parodies".
Oh by the way, the blog doesn't make you look fat! :-)
heh. funny post. actually.. the 'heaven' is a remix by salvador.. but i had a friend say the same thing. i do think that re-makes shouldn't sound so darn close to the real thing.. but that's besides the point.
i also think that there's way too many bands that get on "Christian" labels just so they can get released.. and they all seem to ... well.. suck. what ever happened to putting some real live TALENT into your music? i mean.. am i just an elitist?
and while i'm at it.. why can't musicians use more than the same 4 guitar chords? and the drummers use all the same beat? i guess we've "used up" all the music in the world.. we must repeat it all again. :-)
ok. enough music rant for me. time for bed :-)
Hi Tracy and Dennis,
it was so awesome to hear from you and Tracy, THANK YOU for pointing out to me that it's Salvador doing the remake of Heaven...believe it or not, i must have missed it when the dj said who it was by...
I guess what i was trying to say is...there is so many awesome Christian tunes out there (past AND present) that i don't "get" the remakes...or when they do play original Christian tunes by artist it's the same tired old tunes by Amy Grant...i actually have her greatest hits cd if they're short on tunes...but honestly...what about great groups like FFH...or Bryon Duncan or Superchick that i never hear anymore?
Or has the "Christian" station started using the same tired old focus group...
heh. danny clayton told me once... "milwaukee likes what it knows"... which i don't exactly agree with.. i think its boring to hear the same things... and my friends feel the same way. so it must be a generational thing. but still.. i agree... there are enough Christian bands out there... there should be enough selection to go through and not play amy grant 398,578,398.7 times every day. :-)
and supposedly the "target audience" of the Christian radio doesn't "like" superchi[k].. *shrugs* so while they seem to have a newer 'focus group'.. they still can't stretch themselves to listen to all the cool new Christian bands... dorks. :-P
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