Well, it happened again. This time i was at Walgreens picking up a perscription when i happen to see some Christmas cards i liked...and as i was looking through the boxes it occurred to me that i didn't have to buy my grandma a Christmas card this year (since she passed away around Thanksgiving) when all of a sudden a tidal wave of tears flowed up my throat, through my nose and out through my eyes...and i COULDN'T STOP! Would you believe, i had to leave the store...i muttered "allergies" to one of the clerks who asked me if i was ok as i made my escape. Up to this point, i thought i had done pretty good...but, you know, with grief, you never know when it's going to happen...one minute i'm laughing along at something as normal as the next person and then something, a song, a chance comment like "sorry about your grandma" and the next minute it's waterworks...and i'm just going to have to accept that it's going to hurt and soldier on...
I was at Southridge Mall yesterday when i saw a tee shirt kiosk and a woman making personalized tee shirts for somebody...i asked "if i brought a picture of my grandma, could they make that into a tee shirt?" and she said "they do it all the time." So, now i know what i'm going to do this week...i'm going to make a tee shirt with my grandma's picture on it...and i'm going to wear it on my grandma's 99th birthday...what the heck, i'm going to celebrate my grandma's birthday after all! And you know, i'm pretty sure she would approve of that...although, what to put on my shirt along with her picture i'm still wrestling with...at first i thought of putting "Rest in Peace" on it along with her name, but my husband thought that was way too morbid...then i thought her name with birthdate and death date and my kids said that i was depressing them...so now i'm thinking of trying a little humor...something like "my grandma died and all i got was this tee shirt!"
My grandma was a terrific cook...it's very unfortunate that i didn't inherit that gene from her...although, the last 30 years of her life she ate cabbage every day (since she thought that would help her live to one hundred)...and i'll tell you...i had to bust my butt to find a recipe of hers that didn't include cabbage in it...but i think my grandma--who loved to cook for people and enjoyed sharing recipes--would love it if i kept her memory alive with one of her recipes...in fact, this one was featured in her church recipe book in April, 1987...and if you have a grandma coming this holiday season, feel free to use it, and just tell it you got it from your friends grandma...i know my grandma would love that.
Pork Chop Noodle Dinner............ Reba Davison
4 pork chops.........................2 C. cooked noodles
1 tsp. salt.........................1 can cream of chicken soup
1 tsp. prepared mustard...... 1 C. water
1 tsp. chopped onion
Brown chops on 1 side; turn and season. Brown side with salt and mustard. Place noodles in buttered casserole. Place pork chops on noodles, brown-side down. Pour soup, water and onion into skillet; stir and heat until blended. Pour over chops. Cover and bake 1/2 hour at 350 degrees, then uncover and bake 1/2 hour til brown.
Cucumber-Pineapple Salad ........Reba Davison
1 pkg. lime jello............. 1 C. Dream Whip
1 C. crushed pineapple.. 1 C. mayonnaise
1 C. cubed cucumber
Add 1 cup boiling water to jello; stir until dissolved (2 minutes). Add 3/4 cup pineapple juice and cold water. Chill until jelly stage. Add pineapple, cucumber, Dream Whip and mayonnaise. Let set.
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