
Friday, December 29, 2023

In Appreciation.


Duke Wright, he was the owner of several radio stations including the country station where I did the All Night Country show, WGEE, back when you personally knew the owner of the radio station you worked at. We had a bar/bowling alley in the basement of the radio station- television station.

Once a month in the winter, he brought his polka band to the bar to perform. I would sneak local country performers after midnight on my show. They would play a couple songs in between the country records, tell some war stories of opening for country stars...One day when I was there during the day for an air check meeting, he walked by me in the hallway, "I know what you're doing on the overnights." Then he winked. "Don't get caught."

Duke died before Christmas. There would have been no success in Milwaukee without what I learned about radio and interviews in Green Bay. I am forever grateful to Duke Wright. He genuinely loved radio.

One of the performers I snuck on my show was the very talented Steve Austin who wrote a song about an overnight DJ (hello)who did dedications. I had a spoken line in it. It was a minor hit. Years later, I couldn't find my copy and for the heck of it, went on eBay. And there it was! In England. I bought this 45 rpm for 44 dollars plus shipping. WGEE played the song in 1989 I believe. Thank you Steve Austin, thank you Duke❤

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