I hope you like my picture of homes built on dormant volcano, Black Mountain, Rancho Penasquitos, I guess any day that doesn't start with a pyroclastic flow is a good day!
Six years ago it was a Tuesday. I had just seen him at a Packers-Bears game that past Sunday. He was close to my husband and I.
When I was taking an IT course, he had me come over to his house and practice taking the guts out of the computer and reinstall it. When my son hit his laptop keyboard in frustration over something, he told us to come over and he'd repair it. I told my son "I hope you like David Hasselhoff because he does and he'll be playing "the hoff" while he repairs your laptop. But he surprised me. He decided we'd watch German logrolling off the German channel instead.
He was my brother from another mother. On Tuesday morning around 11:30 AM, I was at Joy radio getting ready to leave when a email popped up on my work page that said "Robert Deglau, Deceased." My first thought was who is the blankety blank that put this out? I'm gonna hunt him down and kick his...I called my boss and said "who sent this piece of crap?" He said "Cindy, it's true."
I got called into a meeting the next day to figure out what we were gonna do for his 4 hour show that weekend. I volunteered to put a tribute show together but spent the rest of the week regretting it because listening to his voice, and his shows, trying to decide what to put in was so painful. I listened to his Saturday show he had just done 4 days before, blissfully unaware that this would be his last radio show ever. His tribute show was the hardest thing I ever did in radio. It took me until the night before because I wanted it perfect for him and his beautiful wife Karen.
Möge er in Frieden ruhen!
I don't normally listen to Joel Osteen but tonite he said something that really jumped out at me.
When I'm tempted to get into a rut, I try to remind myself of how much I have to be grateful for. Like having a mini stroke where i lost the use of both my left leg and arm for about 10 minutes.
I was trapped in the Joy 1340 radio studio where I was setting up the room for the first show of the morning. Only 10 minutes before I had just been on the highway driving to work. The fatigue hit first, almost like a wave, and I sat down immediately. Then I tried to reach for something with my left arm, my arm didn't work. I tried to move my left foot, it felt like it was in concrete.
I face booked message my friend Elaine Plummer who actually knocked some sense in me, because after about 10 minutes my arm and my leg came back. Like it never happened. I was tempted to ignore it. By the way this was the second time this happened, a couple of years earlier although it wasn't as severe, and it had happened at home.
Gratitude turns what we have into enough. I'm grateful I'm still here, and not in a nursing home. Happy Thanksgiving and God's blessings to all of you today
I needed to buy whole cloves for Prime rib. Sure, I could check to see if I had any left over cloves but that would be opening up a big can of worms, because then I'd probably discover I'm out of vanilla extract, onion powder and Lawry's season salt and buying all that crap gets expensive, so I just went to the store to buy a $5.00 tin of cloves and came home to put it in my spice cupboard.
Duke Wright, he was the owner of several radio stations including the country station where I did the All Night Country show, WGEE, back when you personally knew the owner of the radio station you worked at. We had a bar/bowling alley in the basement of the radio station- television station.
Once a month in the winter, he brought his polka band to the bar to perform. I would sneak local country performers after midnight on my show. They would play a couple songs in between the country records, tell some war stories of opening for country stars...One day when I was there during the day for an air check meeting, he walked by me in the hallway, "I know what you're doing on the overnights." Then he winked. "Don't get caught."
Duke died before Christmas. There would have been no success in Milwaukee without what I learned about radio and interviews in Green Bay. I am forever grateful to Duke Wright. He genuinely loved radio.
For instance, the year was late spring 1981 and my whole life had fallen apart. I was bounced from a strict Christian school and had to pay back my scholarship and my dad had just been laid off from his job at an insulation (asbestos) plant.
We were sitting outside on the front stoop one night and I asked my dad "what am I suppose to do with the rest of my life?" My dad said "I don't know, I don't even know what I'm going to do with the rest of mine!"
Good talk dad, good talk
I just watched the late Dr. Charles Stanley preaching on the book of Job; the one where Satan walks into the court of Heaven and God says "have you considered my servant Job?" And Job comes through all his trials victorious.
Based on how I handled my trial earlier this year, I have the uncomfortable feeling that if God asked Satan, "have you considered my servant Cindy?" Two days later God would be asking "can I pick somebody else?"
Just one more, at the time of this picture in the Catholic Church parking lot, the sirens were going on South of us.
The day before I got laid off from Big Buck, I got to interview Jessie Colter, Waylon Jennings widow. She was promoting an album Waylon tried to finish before he died. I was to run it the next day. Ugh. She was a real sweetheart too.
Ok, two photos...
I hadn't seen my daughter in a year, so I decided to pay her a visit;
While in Japan, we visited a 2011 tsunami museum at a train station, it was located 3 blocks from where the waters stopped in that area. In the museum there's a whole wall of comments from survivors about the struggles that occurred after the earthquake and waters. It was cold but the electricity was off, no stores were opened for days and there was no water. A reminder that if Japan can go through a disaster, none of us are safe, even in America.