That's a very special friend of mine, RONNIE NYLES who has been my friend for WAYYYYY looooonger then i want to admit...(because we're both still 29!)
She is also this year's WAMI FEMALE VOCALIST OF THE YEAR!!!
I first met Ronnie in Green Bay when she was one half of an awesome duet called Ladysmith. (her partner was Chris Gerard who is the sister of Greg and the ex-sister-in-law of KEEDY who had a really cool song in the early 90's Called Save some love-i still love that song!)
We were both poor and starving...we use to take turns for dinner...and we always had the same thing...SPAGHETTI...here's the deal...with spaghetti....you always have plenty, and there is always leftovers...that's all we ATE...which is why, to this day, i don't care for spaghetti...it's all i ate in the 80's!
ANYHOO....flash forward um, a few years and;
Ronnie has recorded a very special song called Barbados Song which was about the famous race horse who had to be put down earlier this year...all the proceeds went stop the horse slaughterhouses that still exist in this country (i'll have more on that in a future blog).
Ronnie and the band Krash are going to be opening up for Joan Jett and the Blackhearts at Pridefest, Sunday June 10 and rocking the Harley Stage at Summerfest, Friday, June 29!
Ronnie is this year's WAMI FEMALE VOCALIST OF THE YEAR and her fans, Tina, and me are very proud of her!
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