
Thursday, July 19, 2007

What i did on my summer vacation...part one

Long story short, after seeing the movie Office Space on cable on night, i too decided to do nothing, and try to find out if it was "everything i thought it could be."

I mean, i should be dropping applications all over the place, say maybe one for Starbucks or for my dream job of making donuts for Pick in Save (and no i'm not being sarcastic...i LOVE donuts!!!)

I mean, it's not like Starbucks is going to NOT need new barrista's tomorrow, right?..I'm not going down to Starbucks tomorrow to find that every single Starbucks in Milwaukee is full of employees and will not accept another application...especially from one who is as nice and sweet like me and always leaves an extra quarter in the tip jar after i pay for my triple grande mocha with extra whip...which, i haven't been able to order as much as i use to now with my unemployment running out...and honestly, i'm terrified that i'm going to GET the Starbucks job and it's going to turn out that I SUCK! That's right, i'm going to be the person that i HATE...the person who botches up my order with NO WHIP or accidently leaves out a shot of expresso or uses skim instead of whole milk on my mocha...the person who i look directly into their eyes and go..."don't you realize how much i'm paying for this cup of coffee and YOU JUST RUINED IT FOR ME?!"

Three years ago i was an award winning number one (25-54 women demos-kinda sucked in the other demos, yeah didn't have the teen vote, hey even my own teens don't listen to me) midday jock in Milwaukee...then some new boss flew in from Denver and said "you don't have the sound we're looking for"...and so today i'm trying to decide if i want the job with free coffee or the one with free least i have karma working for me...the boss who didn't like my sound...he eventually got canned and had to take a job in South Dakota...hey, didn't they have tornados last weekend?
A girl can dream... : )

Ps...ok, maybe tornadoes is too about a mild snow storm, something like 6 feet or so...that's right, a mild snow storm in the middle of July, oh yeah...not too harsh at all...; )

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