
Friday, May 04, 2007


I just want to say thanks to my WKTI family for a year of a half of fun, memories and Krispy Kremes!

There wasn't one day that i came to work and thought..."man, i'd rather be working at Burger King"...even though from what i understand they provide free uniforms... No, it has been a true vacation at KTI and i had a blast working with people that i absolutely admired and have come to love;

Lipps Labelle whose sense of humor made Thursday jock meetings so much fun that i was always tempted to sneak popcorn and sodas in so i could further enjoy the show...Dan Kyle who once shared with me his most deepest and innermost secret and which i promised never to reveal...(but what the heck, i'm leaving)...his love of the Macarena...sure, he'll deny that he once said it was his favorite tune of ALL TIME...but who are you gonna believe, a guy with a successful midday show or this loser(?)...Gino who was so hip i knew the first time i met him that he wasn't from Iowa...and the one person i refuse to say goodbye since i know i will run into him at Speedway...Gene Mueller..."hey Gene, that one chick with 6 tatoos who makes coffee in the morning says hi--i can't remember her name but she says you'll know who"...then there's Lisa Letterman who always had the right words at the right time like last November after i got out of the hospital...she comforted me with words of wisdom from the guy who wrote the book "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff." Then two days later i read his obit in the Journal...(should have sweated the small stuff i guess....)

Earlier this year i decided to challenge myself with new challenges that absolutely scared math classes, and i'm happy to report that i now know how to multiply fractions AND identify mixed shoot i forgot how to do it again...i'm sure this knowledge will come back to me right about the time your car pulls up to my window and i hand you your delicious golden more transfats...i hope you don't mind if i eat a few of your's not like you need that many anyway...

You probably noticed that i didn't include Bob Reitman in this list...that's because he promised to loan me his Bob Dylan CD....the one that had Tangled up in Blue on it...and then never got back to me...thanks alot Bob!...just for that i want ALL my Abba 8 tracks back...that's right...ALL OF THEM...even Super Trouper ...and while your at it Dan Kyle would like his cd single of the Macarena back...


Ken said...

Hey Cindy sorry to hear that (a little late of course) you are not at WKTI anymore I was wondering what happend. I used to listen to you on WMYX for a long time until they started playing Christmas music for a month and a half solid. Good luck to you and take care. Long time listener, Ken.

christy said...

Hey Cindy why did you leave KTI?

Staci said...

Best of luck to you.

Cindy Huber said...

Oh my goodness, i'm shocked...i figured once they took my blog down from KTI no body would care...thank you so much Ken, Christy and sis...

I left KTI because there wasn't anything more for me to do there...that i might add is the extremely edited version...if your interested in the longer version meet me at Summerfest for some beers!

Plus, all my friends work over at FM 106 was an easy decision...

The only hard part is trying to find all my old pictures with Garth Brooks for the FM 106 website...yeah, i met him...twice, super nice guy and heck yeah he'll remember me...after all there was that restraining order...
(okok i'm kidding...maybe)

Dennis said...

Hey Cindy,

I was listening to you on Saturday afternoon an FM 106. You were sounding great! Good to hear you back on the air.

Anonymous said...

== TO CINDY: ==
Jason here... congrats on ya move to the new B93.3!! Soundin' better than ever!! ;)

Keep it up!! From one of ya most faithful...



PS: You'll always be my Party Mix Minx!! Rrraawwrr!! :P

Cindy Huber said...

Hi Jason!

You rock! (softly of course, since that's my new positioning statement on B 93.3)

Hearing from you made my day!!!

Please tell everyone that hot babe pictured with you is one will believe it but tell them anyway...; )



Anonymous said...

== TO CINDY: ==
LOL!! OK, you hot mama... I'll do that. :P

And the second I land a radio job, you're on my HOT list, ya dig!

Stay wikkid!!


Jeffrey Scott said...

Nice to hear you on B93. A big reason I switched over. Love the music also. Keep up the good work!