I mean, is there any other reason to dance? (other then dancing is fun, good, clean enjoyable excercise?--ok, ok, dumb question, oh and by the way, that's me, Billy Ray Cyrus)
You see, last year, Dan Kyle was in a "Dancing with Celebrities" type fund raiser which raised money for the David M. Sherman Cancer foundation...an awesome charity which has discovered among other things a way to fight prostate cancer more effectively...something that has directly affected my family as my dad used their treatment (radioactive seed implants) to fight his prostate cancer...and i am incredibly grateful...in fact, so grateful, that when i was asked to dance this year i immediately said yes...because, well, 30 some years ago i won a disco dance contest and got an awesome Journey ALBUM...it was the one with Wheel in the sky on it...
What i forgot til now was the reason i won was the judges were very very drunk (this was college after all) and i was the only one who entered...ok ok, i might not have been the only one who entered...i might have been the only one not drunk enough to quit--but my memory is a little fuzzy on this because i was drinking and did i mention I WAS IN COLLEGE?)
In spite of that i'm a huge Dancing with the Stars fan, and really how tough could this be...i mean, DAN KYLE CAN DO IT!!!
And i suck...no really, i do...i feel so sorry for my professional dance instructor...he is a kind, hot looking man who for whatever past life karma reasons has been saddled with this years Milwaukee equivalent of Billy Ray Cyrus...he is trying to teach me the West Coast Swing, and God bless him, i'm trying to learn it...i even went out and bought the dvd's of Flashdance and Shall we dance, you know, the movie with Jennifer Lopez and Richard Gere...geez it sucked...
But, i got a great deal 2 for 9 bucks and Blockbuster threw in a free tub of popcorn, and there is where i am right now...in front of the tube watching Jennifer Beals taking it off for the umpteenth time while enjoying a tub of popcorn...i'm hoping you'll come out and cheer me on...next Wednesday night at the Pfister in downtown Milwaukee...myself and a bunch of other radio and tv celebrities and a guy from Klements sausage...stripping it off...opps, just kidding...wait, maybe they can get Ally from Kiss to take it off, she lost a ton of wait on LA Diet and looks good; but the rest of us are teamed with professional dancers and we are going to dance for you, and God help us, none of us will accidently hurt our professional dancers...or at least step on their toes...although, if my professional Mark Webster (from DanceSports in Cedarburg) tells me i'm moving like Billy Ray Cyrus ONE MORE TIME...
Dancing with Celebrities to benefit the David M. Sherman foundation is Wednesday, April 18, at 7pm at the Pfister...you can buy tickets at the door (20 bucks) and the money is going to find a cure for cancer so that 20 bucks may some day save a life, yours.
We talked at the nail place...How did it go and did the benefit make tons of cash?
It does not surprise me to see Joey Fatone in the bottom two this week on Dancing With The Stars. He is a professional dancer on a show made for amateur dancing celebrities. Also, he is just not as fun to watch as the others. My personal favorite team is Ian and Cheryl. They have so much personality and give each dance 100% effort. Ian is not a professional dancer like Joey, nor a professional athlete like Apolo or Laila, so he comes to the finals with an obvious disadvantage. But yet he has all the talent of the rest of them -- last week he received six straight "9s" from the judges. I hope he surprises everyone by giving his best performances in the next two weeks and capturing the trophy. If you like Ian and Cheryl, please do your part to vote for them on Monday -- vote 4 times for each phone number and 4 times online. If you like Ian and Cheryl, please do your part to vote for them on Monday -- vote 4 times for each phone number and 4 times online. Also, Ian has really cool videos on his websites at www.IanZiering.com and www.MySpace.com/OfficialIZ and there you can sign up to receive his fun email blasts every week.
Hi Marti,
WOW! Thank you for remembering me..and Lilly, i hear you on Ian and Cheryl...believe it or not i was bummed when Heather McCarthy got kicked off...let me tell you, i was prepared to hate her but after learning how to dance and seeing how HARD it really is and now appreciating how much work goes into it...i really started to admire her...
I figure, i started out like Billy Ray Cyrus and by the end of it was up to a Leeza Gibbons...
But better then being sixth place- in a contest that only had six dancers : ( -was the hope that maybe some of the money i helped raise will help someone's dad, mom, little brother or sister fight cancer...and WIN!
The only sad part of this was that David M Sherman couldn't be at the event that was named after him...he lost his fight with cancer the night before.
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