I still have NIGHTMARES about what happened that horrible Halloween Day in 2005 to Theresa Halbach that makes those old Halloween movies with "Jason" more like The Three Stooges...
Good riddance...i hope Avery rots...
This is a post about reptiles and i don't mean to imply that Steven Avery is a reptile...it's not fair to snakes, turtles and other various creatures to call him that...
What i really want to say is, i'm a cat and dog person and i never thought i'd LOVE reptiles BUT...when i bought Mr. Tim Turtle for my son's birthday a few years ago...i thought that box turtles lived as long as, well, hamsters...boy was i wrong! Apparently box turtles can live to be 75 years old which is something to consider the next time your at the pet store and your kid says "can i have a turtle?"
But we didn't buy Tim Turtle at the pet store...one of my son's friends didn't want him anymore and just happened to call on my sons birthday...does it sound like i was set up...you betcha...
And anyway, i have really come to love this turtle (sure he and i may someday share the same nursing home--but if i'm lucky i'll die first)...he doesn't do much quite frankly but stare at himself in the mirror, soak in his little pool...and eat everything that i should be eating...things like fruits and veggies...oh, and crickets...but it's the little things like the absolute pleasure Mr. Turtle gets on the first warm spring day when we take him outside and let him roam around a bit...his little tail starts wagging excitedly and he moves as fast as i do when i hear there's an extra Krispy Kreme in the studio...
And he has Taste buds. For real. He will eat something like green seedless grapes nonstop for three years and then one day, just stop...doesn't want them anymore...and he won't eat freeze dried crickets, he has to have the real thing. This year he likes fresh strawberries and bananas...everyday!
He also likes to hibernate...up to six weeks at a time, it's normal for him...which is why i'm so worried that there may be something to this Green House effect, because Mr. Turtle only hibernates in the winter, and he hasn't gone to sleep yet...but other then that, when horrors like the Iraq war and the Steven Avery trial air on the tube, it's kinda nice to go upstairs and check to see if the turtle has gone to sleep yet...nope, he's still in his pool.
the "strange food cravings of mr. tim turtle" could be fun to play with. make it a contest of "what will he eat" :-)
and i suppose waiting for a turtle to hibernate is a little better than watching paint dry...
Yes, but not by much...
yea... i suppose you're right. i doubt it'll be on ESPN anytime soon...
Why couldn't it...they air baseball don't they..?
Why not turtles..?
I'm kidding of course...maybe...
When I saw this, I thought of Burgess Meredith's comment on Rocky I (As Mickey)
Turtles....They make good soup! :-)
My son had a box turtle once -- the emphasis on the ONCE. He got it when it wasn't very big, we had it 3 years and when I realized that it would never die and allow my son the joy and pain of the greiving process, we took it to the lake and let it go free. Unfortunately, I'm sure that then I did probably die. My son never did really miss it. He just asked if he could have a kitten instead.
Cindy, I LOVE reading your blog. I started reading it when your uncle Bob passed away and I have been hooked ever since. Keep it coming. Your writing makes me smile.
Cara, your email means so much to me, thank you very much!
And by the way, we have noticed that Mr. Turtle is starting to get sleepy...
God bless and please keep in touch,
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