
Tuesday, November 08, 2011

On trying to lose 6 pounds for a free facelift

I need to lose SIX POUNDS by Monday! After all those years of begging radio sales people to fix me up with a client that does facelifts, I now find I can get a free one by being a volunteer for a research company in Chicago....Here's the ONLY problem...I discovered this last night...when I gave this company my present weight, they said I qualified but not to be one pound over as I am at the UPPER end of their problem, right?...Well, last night my stepson casually mentions to his dad that our scale is off SIX POUNDS! That whatever the scale says, it's actually SIX POUNDS HEAVIER!!! I'm SCREWED!! I need to lose SIX POUNDS by Monday...Any ideas?

This is what I posted on my facebook link last Friday...and as a professional dieter I should've known better, well, actually I DO know better..."eat less, exercise more..." No seriously, I need a quicker, easier way (and I need it by Monday) and for that...I went to all my good buddies on facebook and learned something about myself that I'm not real proud of...when desperate to lose weight...I'll try on Saturday it was the all day apple diet...which, is exactly what you would think of something called apple followed by the words diet...I ate nothing but apples...this started around 10 Saturday morning and ended around Saturday at 2p...just about the time for my airshift on Big Buck Country 106.9...the problem is, it's almost impossible to down massive amounts of coffee required for radio while eating nothing but apples...even if their Honey Crisps (I should've gone with my first instinct and bought the Braeborns...braeborns go with everything).

Later that evening I headed to the one place that has everything for someone desperate to lose weight in the shortest amount of time possible without using their brain, logic, or common sense...Walgreens...God bless them! I got one of those 48 hour miracle diet fasts...lose 10 pounds by drinking nothing but water mixed with this product...sure, it takes the fun out of the fun Packer food or beer, but it turned out to be no big deal as if you actually do this diet, you're gonna be spending all your time in the bathroom anyway. So by Monday, 10 pounds lighter, I now qualified to be a guinea pig for this free chin lipo, although, had they been offering free experimental colonoscopy's, I would've qualified for that too.

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