I got my kids report cards today. To say I'm pissed is putting it mildly...my stepson informed me that he doesn't have time to study and get good grades because "he's not going to be young forever and he doesn't want to waste his youth." That's right...that's what he said. Since grounding my kid's isn't one of my options...because I'd be the one stuck at home making sure they don't try sneak out of the house...honestly, with grades like these I'm gonna be stuck at home with them for the next 20 years anyway...So, instead of getting upset I have decided instead to think of them AS:
SUPER ACTION FIGURES! ...and i'm going to call it;
My son's are a couple of action figures who soar through the air trying to fight crime and save the world...BUT, with a unique perspective...for instance... in episode number one the dynamic duo is relaxing at home with a lot of time on their hands (since they're skipping school) when suddenly they hear a victim screaming for help as he slowly sinks in quicksand "Help me help me" he screams..."oh wait, it's you, F man and D minus boy...um, never mind...i'll save myself."
Now that's funny! Cindy, I'd love to say it will get better, but I'd be flat out lying and I think it's better to let yourself believe your natural inclination to see the best in your children despite all the evidence to the contrary. For example, have you had a friend who gave birth and the infant was so unattractive you struggled to to say anything positive. You manage to say, "look at his/her, hair, eyes ... (you get the point) and your friend looks up with her eyes glazed over, smiling at you and says, "isn't he/she the cutest baby?". Do you see what I mean? Continue to believe, like your delusional friend, that your children will be adults, independenly wealthy at a young age, happy and well adjusted. I've made you feel better already haven't I? Now go hide any items of value they may need to pawn when they figure out this decision to "live while they're young" isn't the best decision they've made in life. Keep me posted. For some reason, I'm waiting for a great story. Love, Mardi
I will treasure your comment forever Mardi...I still love the poem you wrote when your children were young...and Grandpa Huber was so proud of it, he had your framed poem positioned so it was the first thing you saw when you walked in the door...I love you sweetie,
your cuz : )
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