My husband doesn't get my fascination with all things Elvis...but honestly, I love Elvis because I feel like I met him...I mean, I didn't, but my aunt did, and it's quite a story;
My Uncle Jim was in the Army with Elvis and when they got done with (if memory serves me right-basic training or some kind of training...they had been gone awhile-but I don't think Elvis had gone to Germany yet)...so my Uncle Jim and Elvis were getting some time off and my Aunt (who had no idea that Jim was serving along side Elvis-years later my uncle told me he didn't think it was any big deal, he didn't listen much to music anyway) was waiting in a little cabin (the kind where you had a little kitchenette, and hung your wash on the line-this was the 50's you know)...Next to her cabin was a kind older couple, and a young good looking hottie named Anita...who told my aunt she was waiting for her boyfriend "Elvie" to get back...my aunt thought the older couple (at least the mom) looked vaguely familiar but maybe it's kind of like the Kenny Rogers theory...when men get to a certain age, they all start looking like Kenny Rogers...Anyway, they were together a few days before the "fellas" got back, and my aunt got to know Anita and "Gladys" pretty well...So the day the boys returned while my aunt and Anita were sunning themselves my aunt got the shock of her life...Elvie, was Elvis...and Elvis immediately asked my Aunt what-for anyone else would've been a safe question;
Elvis: "Whose your favorite singer?"
My Aunt: "Pat Boone."
My Aunt said Elvis looked momentarily stunned and then started laughing and patted her on the head and replied, "you know, Pat's a good singer too." His girlfriend at the time, Anita Wood (Colonel Parker later forced Elvis to break up with her) thought it was funnier then heck, BUT when Elvis's mom Gladys heard about it, she didn't think it was funny, and never spoke to my Aunt again.
ps...years later, whenever someone made a "not quite bright" comment, we'd reply..."Pat Boone."
I love the whole story, but I especially love the continued use of "Pat Boone" as a family joke. I love those perennial jokes that spread... I may try to begin using it in my family.
Our is "camels." Long story, but the reference is when you jump ahead to a conclusion too quickly and then realize you are wrong and are embarrassed. Like, "Oh, look, there's my best friend!.... no wait, that's not her.... Camels!"
Cindy, how come you've never asked me who my favorite DJ is?
Janice I love that...camels! For me it would be what do I need to give up smoking...camels! Might just steal that from you...
And Jeffrey, I didn't ask you because I don't have enough money to bribe you...; )
"Thank you-thank you very much..." for that great story, Cindy! Say what you want about Elvis' personal life, he undeniably was a force to be reckoned with in Music, and he changed the course of Music as we knew it! And, as far as the Favorite DJ is, it would have to be C. Huber, The Queen of the Country DJs!! (No bribe money needed!)
Since you re-posted this, I have to re-reply.
I think I forgot to mention that I once met Elvis. True story. Also I was at the Ice Bowl, great game!
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