RIP Big Dave!
Yeah, on one hand, I still don't have a full time job, but thanks to the fine folks at the Wisconsin Hire Center...I have leads, and interviews. A couple of weeks ago I interviewed with a nice lady for a job outside of radio but with benefits you don't normally get in radio (at least anymore)...things like weekends and holidays off, a decent wage, a future with a company, hope in the future, 401k's and dental. Now I'm a firm believer in honesty so I didn't flinch when she said there was no smoking on the premises...but then she asked me if I had ever smoked.
I quit smoking.
About 30 minutes ago.
I'm still waiting for a call back on that one.
Still, this forced time off hasn't been all that bad. I've had plenty of time to watch Oprah AND Ellen, and one of them, I don't remember who, interviewed Wynonna. (Judd-former country singer superstar-and darn-it, I still play her music!) Now Wynonna has either an album or book out-I don't remember-because all I remember was Wynonna was talking about some new diet PILL she was on, and I'm all about (DIET) pills! It's called Alli, and it's suppose to prevent your body from absorbing fat from your food, so I put down the bag of fritos I was consuming and speeded down to Walgreens to buy this new miracle product. It looked simple enough, take a blue pill before you stick something in your mouth and try to keep the fat grams down to 12 grams...easy, right? There was also something in the fine print about exploding diarrea and such, but it said the side effects would show up anytime in the next 12 to 48 hours, so that night when I served the family pizza I wasn't too concerned. And 12 hours later when nothing happened I was elated! I did it, I found the magic pill! Unfortunately, when the side effects showed up a good 48 hours later...well...let's just say it's a good thing I'm unemployed. And, I have plenty of things I can read while holed up in the bathroom...like the newspaper, or bible, or that fine print that came with my Alli bottle.
I lost a good friend in radio last week. His name was "big Dave" Niles, and although I hadn't talked to him in years, it says something about how special this man was that I was shocked, and devastated when I heard he had passed. It also prompted me to have "that discussion" with my family for what I wanted played at my funeral when I died...Old Rugged Cross, God knows when the sparrow falls, and Radar Love, by Golden Earring...
Radar Love was the song I played when I use to work for KRIB in Mason City, Iowa back in 85-87, when the cops were running radar in front of our studio...oh yeah, it was ok with the police, it was one of the cops that told me. They'd pull up outside the studio and tap on the door, I'd put the song on, and they'd run radar and some unsuspecting listener-with some other radio station on would cruise by, and bam!...another radar lover gone!!! Then the cop, as he handed out the ticket would tell the speeder "if you'd had KRIB on, you'd know we were running radar!"
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