This is my favorite picture of my stepson, Mark Olsen, who is serving in Iraq in the marines. It was taken at Christmas time.
The first Memorial Day was "celebrated" um, observed, in 1865, to honor those who lost their lives in the Civil War, but these days this holiday has turned into a kickoff for summer...but not to us. There isn't a day that goes by that we aren't scanning CNN when their showing the troops in Iraq to see if we can see our son. There isn't a day that goes by that we don't jump when we hear the news say "new bloodbath or increased fighting in Iraq today".....we grieve for those parents whose sons and daughters aren't coming home...everyday is Memorial Day for them.
We thank God everyday that he has spared our son.
This is my stepson Mark "at ease" at a Chuckie Cheese in November...although honestly, have you ever seen a marine at ease? We miss him very much.
== JAY SEZ: ==
Nice work at B93.3, as always!! Love ya voice; really sexy! ;)
BTW -- Not "Chuckie Cheese", it's "Chuck E. Cheese"... make a note of it.
PEACE, MISS CINDY!! And the Troops RULE too -- bless 'em all!!
Give me a break Jay...i was at the BROOKFIELD location...; )
Your fan,
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