This photo is funny to me for the simple fact that our building has a mouse problem...opps...mice cuz if there's more then one it's mice...my bad...and one scared the heck out of our Terry Love one late night during his request show...(of course Terry leaves the light down low-mood lighting he calls it) and apparently Mr. Mouse liked it too(!)...the rumor is the mouse hopped on the studio counter to request Ben by Michael Jackson.

These pictures come from a website called Letsbefriends and you can find it on the web at http://www.letsbefriends.blogspot.com/ and i gotta tell you, on bad days or depressing days or any day the news is so horrible that i'm not sure i should even venture out of the house because i'm so discouraged with the human race down and can't have a beer til later day, this is the site i check out to reaffirm my faith in mankind...or maybe "animal kind!" It just seems the animals have a better take on love, kindness and compassion then anything i ever saw on CNN, Jerry Springer, or even Dr. Phil.

Neither do they...
doesn't matter...
isn't it sweet?...
here's hoping the tiger doesn't wake up and go "i smell bacon..."
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