Several years ago my husband and i visited San Diego and i asked him "why can't we move here" to which he replied "mudslides, earthquakes, and fires"...
I just thought he was trying to be funny until this past weekend when we got a frantic call from his mother. We had worried about her trip to Israel the week before. Turns out she was safer there. She had just gotten back from a tour of the Holy Land that Friday night, only to get a knock on her door early Monday morning from the police telling her to grab her keys and purse and get out now! She spent two days at a shelter in Miramar not knowing if she had a home anymore, and thank God, she was spared. Unfortunately, many of her neighbors were not. Many of the survivors said the fires looked like tornados.

So the next time you visit Door County, pull over and pay your respects to the lost souls of Tornado Park, and say a prayer for the California families as well.
Cindy note: If you'd like more information on Tornado Park, this is the website i'd recommend. These pictures are also from this website;
The picture of the fire is from the KNX1070 news radio website. Some of the pictures on their website are absolutely shocking.
I must have driven past that place many times through the years. Thanks for pointing it out.
I have also driven through Peshtigo where that famous fire went through.
Hi Dennis,
You remember my obsession with tornados and the weather channel...that's why i stopped in the first place. Man i miss you! I always enjoyed working with you in Green Bay! You were coming over for supper sometime, what happened?!
We'll have to get together, if our schedules allow it.
I might be getting a transfer back to Green Bay. I had to take what is the absolutely most difficult technical test ever. A lot of applied math and applied electronics. And a LOT of prayer.
Don't know if it's true, but it was said that since the test was changed (And made more difficult) only 5 people throughout the entire company have passed it. UGH!
Long and short of it...I passed, the test! And I am now in line a job back in Green Bay, more money, and no more commuting.
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