And that would have been ok if there had been something like 7 people in the competition...
It's like i got beat by Sanjaya--and i didn't even know he was in the contest!!
I was stunned to find out right before the dance contest that my professional dancer, Mark Webster, had volunteered us to go first...at first i was terrified and figured it was karma payback for some evil thing i did in a previous life but once we got out on the dance floor i just smiled and let Mark do all the dancing...me, i flirted with the judges and peeled of my gloves and basically tried to keep from falling out of my shoes and on to my butt...but after it was over i was like well, that was fun...and then i could relax and enjoy the other dancers...every single one of them my new best friend---even the Klements Sausage guy who i figured was the one guy i had a chance at beating...oh yeah, as i was watching him moving around like a robot during "Singing in the Rain"...i'm thinking "yep, i have fifth place all wrapped up"...but then he did something i never suspected you could do...(or I would have done it)...he gave the judges Klement sausages...
Next thing i know, the dance contest is over and we are all lined up waiting to receive our trophies, and the first thing i hear is "AND NOW IN SIXTH PLACE, CINDY HUBER FROM WKTI"...and i'm thinking "i could have skipped the 3 months of dance lessons and just showed up and said give me my trophy for sixth place."
Worse then that...i had to hear congrats from EVERYBODY in the whole damn place..."CONGRATS HUBER...YOU WERE GREAT!" (Congrats loser!!!)
The next thought i had is "i wonder what BMW the sausage guy is driving so i can throw eggs at it when he's not looking"...(but then i remembered i really need those eggs for Brownies tomorrow and that i also have to pick up some milk and toilet paper too)
Which is really sad because now i have to add "dances like a white girl" to the official list of things i suck at...and that list is getting long.
ps...honestly, i'm glad i did it...i mean the bottom line is it raised money for an awesome cause that has already saved my dad's life and if that isn't worth sixth place...plus, the sausage guys wife was really nice and gave me a hug...c'mon, how could i be mad...well, maybe at my husband...because after the whole dance was over he gave me a hug and said "nobody loses as good as you do"...i'm sure he probably meant something like "at least i have the dignity to handle it well"...but then again i'm not sure...either way he ended up on the couch that night.
psps...Plus Mark Webster is really hot! : )
== JAY SEZ: ==
You should try for "Dancing with the Stars" or "So You Think You Can Dance"!! Go for it!! ;)
let me say this again...i got BEAT by a 70 year old!!!
That's right, some kid's grandpa wearing orthopedic shoes with a brand new hip kicked my ass!!!
Based on what happened on the dance floor it may be awhile before i sign up for "America's most talented" or "are you smarter then a fifth grader..."
Your fan,
== TO CINDY: ==
The only way you GET BEAT by a 70-year-old is if you THINK you'll get beat by a 70-year-old.
Think about it, Ms. Huber...
Don't ever sell yourself short.
The dance floor is waiting... don't have me zap Mary Murphy (from "...Think U Can Dance") an email!!! Did I mention she SCREAMS!!! WHOOOOOO!!! LOL
Nuff said.
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