
Thursday, November 02, 2006

Not again...another election?

Good heavens, i haven't had time to wash off all the mud from the last one...

Which election is it...hard to tell...there's news about John Kerry...oh wait, he's NOT running...this time it's over something he said...i'm not a democrat, but i am NOT offended by what he said--and i have a stepson in the marines...what kind of a world is it where a decorated Vietnam vet is accused of being unpatriotic by something he an administration who got us into this mess in the first place...confused? am i and i AM a republican...or was...i don't know this time who i'm going to vote for but honestly whether my candidate wins or your candidate does, i think we can all agree on something that one candidate said two years ago;

"A vote for someone you don't believe in is a wasted vote."

Thank you Ralph Nader.

He's got my vote...whose he running against?


Digital Fortress said...

I was offended, but I don't like the guy. I do agree with Ralph though, voting in the lesser of two evils is not always the best thing. :)

Cindy Huber said...

Thank you very much for your thoughts, and honestly, i kind of sorta agree with you...i think however that Kerry wasn't honestly trying to insult the troops, that it was something he said in the heat of the moment, and i wasn't going to hold that against him when there is so much REAL BS going on out there...Thank you again for checking in and God bless!

Cindy Huber