With all the crazy things going on in the world thank God, for the garden...mine isn't much...it's more of a "survival of the fittest" type garden...and so far the dandilions are doing fine, thank you...i saw a report in the news the other day that the green house effect is making the poison ivy stronger and more potent but i haven't seen an example of it in my garden as the "super deadly" crab grass has choked it out...
But i'm comforted to know that at least one of my friends as a "green thumb" and i live out my fantasy of super gardener through her emails;
"Oh, and by the way, my tomatoes are great! I marinaded them with cucumbers and onions from the garden along with my basil, parsley and cilantro in balsamic vinegar, dijon, tomato paste, kosher salt, sugar and olive oil...i served it over iceburg lettuce sprinkled with parmesan and a side of rye bread...yum! Love,
No matter how down i get about the world, i think about Pennyjo and her garden and i always feel better!
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