This is my former boss, Stan Atkinson who I still absolutely adore even if he did LAY ME OFF!!! The only problem I can ever remember with him, is he always talked about how much he hated cream puffs...yet, he always got to do the cream puff eating contest at the fair! (I've been saving this picture for over 3 years...)
This is my crush from last year's State Fair, chocolate covered bacon...This year I moved pork chops on a stick!!! (oooohhhh yeah baby!!!) I never did locate the "Fat Elvis..." Deep fried Reeses Peanut butter cup in banana batter wrapped in bacon...I also did not locate the deep fried stove top dressing dipped in gravy...I think my guardian angels deliberately blocked my way...I did make it as far as Apollo gyros...they're a great gyro place that ONLY do the fair for 11 days, they've been in the same location for over 25 years...But I was a little disappointed because they didn't have the karaoke machine set up this year...I suppose that was everyone else's guardian angels protecting their ears...Hey, I only do one song anyway...Jose Cuervo...Just my way of keeping it country at the fair! ; )
These are my girls...CV, Julie and myself from a few fairs ago...
I haven't seen CV in ages, but she's a fellow Iowan so I consider her a sister...Julie is my "sister from another mother..." Julie is the reason I'm in another dance contest this year (MargaretAnn's Place Hosting Milwaukee's Dancing with Our Stars Gala--September 15 at Potawatomi Bingo Casino)...The last one we were in I got 6th place...Thank God there were only 6 contestants! My odds are much better this year...there's only 5 contestants...
This is why I LOVE the fair!!! I get to meet YOU!!! This is a very cherished photo from a fan of mine and I can't believe anyone wanted to come out and say "HI" to me...I consider myself very blessed, and grateful...Thank you!
No, Cindy-WE are the ones who are blessed! Although we've never met in person, and have only communicated by Facebook, phone, etc., you have always made me feel like we've been friends for years! Thanks for tolerating my "random thoughts!"
YOU, are a true blessing my friend!
Cindy, had I been able to make the fair, you KNOW I would have stopped by to say hi. Heck, I may have even dashed past your Guardian Angel to find a "Fat Elvis" for you.
For real Jeffrey? That settles it! Next year, you're going to the fair...bring the defibillator with you...
I'm marking it on the calendar now. I'll borrow a defibrillator from my EMT friend.
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