
Monday, August 13, 2007

Things i learned at the Wisconsin State Fair

Things i learned at the Wisconsin State Fair:

1. Herb Kohl's 25 cent flavored milk and hot buttered popcorn do not mix ever...however;
2. Hot buttered popcorn at the fair is always worth a potential gallbladder attack provided i remembered my Rolaids...oh shoot!

3. While giving the kids who make your fresh lemonade drink a tip doesn't necessarily ensure the good Karma the tip jar does insure that no one will spit in your lemonade.

4. If you find a penny and pick it up, all day long you'll find good luck only works if it's heads, not least that's what the mystic who offered to guess my weight for 3 bucks told me...(i offered him six bucks not to.)

5. That while an article in the Shepards Express may claim that cream puffs are over- rated, the extra 5 pounds on my gut from eating them last week says otherwise!

And last, but certainly not least; (according to the memo i got from my boss...)

6. Never, ever, call creampuffs the crack cocaine of the bakery world...even it's true...
....."why yes officer, that really is powder sugar on my face..."

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