
Sunday, July 29, 2007

Michael Vick sucks!...

Michael Vick SUCKS!

There, i said it...ok? Don't give me this crap on "it's how they do it in the hood or wherever and/or it's a cultural thing" because that is BULLSH#*!!!


Because the day that dogfighting is simply a CULTURAL THING...then we as a nation are in a big MORAL CRISIS! And here is the scarey part...according to a friend of mine who works for MPS (and shall remain nameless because well, she works for MPS)...most of her students can't figure out what the fuss is all about...dogfighting is entertainment to them...and just hearing that scares the heck out of me.

The idea that is ok for one dog to rip another to death...with one dog screaming in pain as a bunch of morally DEAD pieces of crap cheer this on and consider it entertainment?

And yet, people are supporting Michael Vick...saying "innocent til proven guilty" and blahblahblah...ok...i gave OJ the benefit of the doubt...for all i know, he's out looking for the real killer right now on some golf course in Florida...but, the feds found bloody dogs and dead dogs, and dogs with glass embedded in them, and well...i guess the benefit of the doubt ended right there...although, you know, Vick claims that he was renting out the house or loaning out the house and didn't know what was going on so in that case here's where i would be willing to give Vick, that benefit of a doubt;
1. Apologize, you didn't know what was going on at your, um...mansion, and donate a huge sum of money to the humane society or pitbull rescue or some organization like that...

2. Apologize, and howabout a public service announcement saying how bad dogfighting is and, sure, it didn't work for that doctor from Grey's Anatomy but, he's not in as much trouble as you are buddy...

3. Apologize, and volunteer at the humane society or pitbull rescue...offer to walk a couple of the dogs or something, get one of your peeps to pick up the poo...dig what i'm saying brother?...

Right now, at this moment, you, Michael Vick, could influence an entire future generation of kids to STOP dogfighting, but honestly Michael, i don't think you have the (foot) balls!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Fm 106.1...My Adventure at Country Thunder

I guess i could have also titled this why it's never a good thing to meet your idols.
I've been a fan of county radio since 1984 and over the years i've been blessed to meet alot of awesome country singers, but there's always 1 or 2 that your in absolute awe of...and you always think to yourself, "man, i wish i could meet so and so and tell them how much their music has touched me," and well, Lorrie was one of those people. So of course i jumped at the chance to be an emcee at Country Thunder over the weekend and looked forward to the chance to tell Lorrie how much i've enjoyed her tunes. There was another jock there from Chicago who got to do the jumbrotron interview which was probably a good thing since, after i met Lorrie...ok, let's just put it this way...i lost 30 pounds last year, but honestly, i'd have to lose another 50 before i could on the jumbrotron and not look like a monster next to her.
So it got close to the time that Lorrie would be on stage, and i gotta tell you, although i've introduced close to a hundred country stars on stage i have never been this nervous in my life.

I've rehearsed my opening speech probably a hundred times til i know it forward and backwards, all two minutes of it...and then they drive Lorrie up in a golf cart and oh my God, she hasn't aged a year since i've been a fan...and that's about 18 years!

She steps out of the golf cart like i would bounce out of a golf cart, but she does it with about 8 inches of stiletto heels, a dress, and not one hair out of place. I suddenly become very conscience of the fact that i have been out in the sun all day, my eye shadow has now melted down to my chin, and i'm covered in Country Thunder dust...i'm embarrassed to even look at her.

So, now the appointed time comes and just as they're handing me the mike to step out on stage, her manager informs me that we're running late and to cut the intro to 10 seconds...arrrrrgh!!!! I'm not even sure now what i said, perhaps something like "her voice is going to break your heart" ...but Lorrie must have liked it because she stuck her hand out to shake mine and said "thank you" and then here it is; my opportunity to tell Lorrie how much her music has meant to me all these, did i tell her that?

Not exactly.

In a voice about 12 octives above my own i said "i love you Lorrie"...actually, i think i screeched it...all i know was blood was coming out of her ears as she smiled sweetly, took the mike and strutted out on the stage, and i dragged what was left of my dignity off the stage in absolute embarrassment.

I've only been that bad once before...years ago i had the chance to interview Dennis Deyoung, formally of the rock band Styx, the man whose voice was the soundtrack of my entire high school experience...he called me up for a radio interview and every single rational thought and question flew out the window as i asked him the only question that came to mind;"Do you wake up in the morning and go, oh my God i'm Dennis Deyoung?"
He was very nice about it but my husband and kids weren't...for weeks after that they'd taunt me with "hey mom, do you wake up in the morning and go...oh my God, i'm mom and i need to do the laundrey?"....and on and on.....
So maybe i'm not really meant to meet my idols...maybe i'm better off in the future staying behind the mike, and not in front of a country star where i'm liable to embarrass myself with some harebrained compliment that would perplex them and humiliate me and wait, whose coming to Germanfest...Gretchen Wilson?

Game on.

Ps...thank you Kerry for being an awesome boss...i'd say more but then i run the risk of making a fool out of myself...again.

Psps...the above picture of Garth Brooks and me was taken at the Shawno County Fair back in September of had to pay 10 bucks to see the Yuppers but Garth was FREE! This was also one of the few times i didn't make an idiot of myself.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Open Pantry has free internet and other things i discovered on my summer vacation....

Isn't this cool...Open Pantry has free internet...well, sortof...i had to buy a cup of coffee, sunflower seeds and Sominex for later, but...oh, the other have free internet but it's only for 15 minutes at a time which means this is the third time i've tried to goes;
Well, i know i haven't blogged consistanty in a couple of weeks (um...actually, since May-but it feels like a couple of weeks)...but i think i have a decent enough excuse...
Right about the time i resigned from KTI i marched into Remedy Staffing Agency armed with an absolutely worthless resume and about 2 pounds of ego left...
24 years of radio has left me with ABSOLUTELY NO SKILLS (with the exception of absolutely worthless trivia that nobody really gives a damn about although i think it's pretty darn awesome that the song that goes "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire" was written in the hot heat of July...for real, cool huh?...hey, do you have a job?)

Where was i...oh wait, that's right, i walked into Remedy Staffing because i heard that one of the ladies that run it called Vicki use to listen to my show when i was on the Mix (about a hundred years ago)...and sure enough, Vicki gave me a couple of tests and i AM NOT MAKING THIS UP...i can type about 40 words a minute-not counting all the errors)...anyway...i qualified for something called "light industrial" and i got to tell you, i'm pretty excited...i even took the "light industrial" test and apparently ACED IT! (sample question: you hear your friend is stealing and you think A. This is ok...B. Not ok...C. None of the above...D. Don't understand the question because i work at K Mart)... Vicki said there was an opening in June...BUT THEN...something else opened up!!!
I got called to do a three week assignment at a place i can't tell you BUT...there's a recall going on and i'm the person making the phone calls...ok, one of the people...thank God for that because the first day was kind of rough...well, actually it was the second day...on the first day someone there told somebody else that i use to be a dj and so there was a steady stream of people coming down to look at the "celebrity" least they were polite...because by the second day of me bitching that
"I can't find the file."
"It's on your desktop."
"I'm looking on my desk and it's not there.."

Well, apparently this is a computer term and you'll be happy to know that i learned what "desktop" meant...But after someone told someone who told someone else; the second day everyone was coming down to stare at the incompetent'll be happy to know that
this incompetent moron doesn't care, because now she knows how to "fax, copy, paste," and talk "electrician..." Here's a sample;

"Sir, the problem is your cable was terminated incorrectly on the heat trace wire!"

I have no idea what i just said, but apparently, this is not good...but hey, it's 11 bucks an hour which ain't bad although i'm still upset nobody called from know how in the last posting i said "they can't all be running to Starbucks for a job..." they weren't...they all went running to the donut making job at Pick n' Save.

BUT, at least this incompetent moron doesn't care cuz i'm making 11 bucks and hour and THEY HAVE FREE COFFEE!!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

What i did on my summer vacation...part one

Long story short, after seeing the movie Office Space on cable on night, i too decided to do nothing, and try to find out if it was "everything i thought it could be."

I mean, i should be dropping applications all over the place, say maybe one for Starbucks or for my dream job of making donuts for Pick in Save (and no i'm not being sarcastic...i LOVE donuts!!!)

I mean, it's not like Starbucks is going to NOT need new barrista's tomorrow, right?..I'm not going down to Starbucks tomorrow to find that every single Starbucks in Milwaukee is full of employees and will not accept another application...especially from one who is as nice and sweet like me and always leaves an extra quarter in the tip jar after i pay for my triple grande mocha with extra whip...which, i haven't been able to order as much as i use to now with my unemployment running out...and honestly, i'm terrified that i'm going to GET the Starbucks job and it's going to turn out that I SUCK! That's right, i'm going to be the person that i HATE...the person who botches up my order with NO WHIP or accidently leaves out a shot of expresso or uses skim instead of whole milk on my mocha...the person who i look directly into their eyes and go..."don't you realize how much i'm paying for this cup of coffee and YOU JUST RUINED IT FOR ME?!"

Three years ago i was an award winning number one (25-54 women demos-kinda sucked in the other demos, yeah didn't have the teen vote, hey even my own teens don't listen to me) midday jock in Milwaukee...then some new boss flew in from Denver and said "you don't have the sound we're looking for"...and so today i'm trying to decide if i want the job with free coffee or the one with free least i have karma working for me...the boss who didn't like my sound...he eventually got canned and had to take a job in South Dakota...hey, didn't they have tornados last weekend?
A girl can dream... : )

Ps...ok, maybe tornadoes is too about a mild snow storm, something like 6 feet or so...that's right, a mild snow storm in the middle of July, oh yeah...not too harsh at all...; )