Today would have been my grandma Reba's 99th birthday...and i'm ashamed to tell you that while she was alive i could never remember what day her birthday was on, just that it was in April...so i would always send her a birthday card in April.

The other picture is my daughter in my neighbors garden...a picture that appears in one of my posts from last year...in that particular post i extol the virtues of a summer garden while talking about how my garden sucks...then i lead you to believe that picture is from my garden...it's not.
My garden does suck...and i was too embarassed to take a picture of it...so i used my 81 year old neighbors garden...see that pretty tree in the picture? My neighbor planted that tree the year her sister died...it was her way of keeping her sisters memory alive...see those really nice bushes in the back, same thing...in a weird sort of way it's almost like looking at headstones...really beautiful headstones that bloom in the spring...certainly NOT like my yard...(although the creeping charley has a nice little bloom in the early spring...sadly though it's the only green thing in the yard.)
My grandma was buried last November in Iowa so visiting her grave today wasn't an option...and my grandma wouldn't have liked that anyway...she always said "i don't want flowers when i'm dead."
Which is why i planted a cherry tree in honor of my grandmother today...it's not much of a tree at the moment...it's more like a two foot twig...but i ordered it a month ago from Publishers Clearing House where right this very moment, i could be a winner...and sure, you don't have to buy anything to qualify to win...but hey, there is that 4 easy payments of 3.99 thing...well, anyway, what i'm saying is, i'm missing my grandmother today and wishing she could have made it to 99...and pissed at myself for never remembering her birthday--until she died.
So today, in honor of my grandmothers 99th birthday...i planted a two foot twig that i hope someday will grow into a beautiful Washington DC type cherry tree...i just hope i don't accidently kill it before i make my fourth payment.