I don't think there's anything prettier then snow softly falling on a pine tree, as long as that pine tree is something your watching on your cable channel, from somewhere where it's 78 degrees, and your feet are sweating...
I'm not sure it's ever going to be spring here, since Groundhog's Day was canceled this past February..."If they cancel Groundhog Day and the groundhog see's his shadow, does that mean we still get six more weeks of winter?" The answer, apparently, is yes, with bonus days thrown in, just to p*ss everyone off...that's the real reason everyone is protesting at the capitol, there's just nothing else to do...I'm all for the state of Wisconsin collectively bargaining 2 days off in Florida for everyone, every winter!
Winter just seems like it's been too long this year, most nights I needed a nap just so I'd have the strength to get off the couch to go to bed.
The Packers won the Super Bowl this year(!!!) so winter didn't officially start until the week before Valentine's Day, which would've been OK if the husband had actually bought some Valentine chocolates which he didn't;
Me: Honey, where is my chocolates?
Hubby: Are you kidding? We blew it all on the Packer Party last week!
Now that we're in the season of Easter, such trivial matters of what I didn't get for Valentine's Day no longer seem important...although, last year I gave up chocolate for Lent and well, that didn't work out real well, so this year I'm just giving up being thin! Look, if Charlie Sheen can conquer his addictions with his mind, I can conquer my willpower with chocolate donuts!
And I can celebrate Easter the best way that I can...with the Girl Scout Thin Mints I found in my husbands sock drawer where he tried to hide them--silly husband--I can smell mint cookies from a mile away and anyway, look, if he truly didn't want me to find them, he should've put the Thin Mints on top of the brand spankin' new Ab Exerciser, I'd never find them there.
It's been a weird winter so far, and I chalk that up to the Chinese Calender where it's officially the year of the Rabbit, it's also what's on the menu!
Anyway, what can you expect out of a year that starts out with the entire Zodiac Calender being changed...for real...for years I've been a disorganized, perfectionist Virgo, but NOW I find out that I'm really a uncomplicated and disciplined Leo...honestly, who believes this crap?
Now, if you'll excuse me, I smell cookies...
(picture taken by my friend Karen Trucks Karl-who makes winter almost look well, pretty.)