(The Huber family circa 1960-something...i'm the little girl on the left being held by my uncle, my parents are on the right.)
Everytime i need a good cry at Christmas time i throw on a Karen Carpenter Christmas tune...doesn't even matter which one, they all make me tear up...there's just something about her voice, so sad, so weary, so..."i don't have the one i love near me" tremble in her voice, even sleigh ride can get my tear ducts going...because i can just imagine her thinking, "i'm in this one horse open sleigh without the one i love, and geez it's cold!"
I live about six and a half hours from my parents, and about 4 plane hours (if you go Southwest, six if you do what use to be Midwest) from my mother-in-law and Christmas is always a reminder of that because they all claim it's too far to travel to my house for a ham dinner...but this year was different, we (hubby and I) were able to guilt my mother-in-law to fly here for Christmas (big, BIG mistake), because Milwaukee is NOT San Diego and it's not 60 degrees here at Christmas time. Nope, not even close. But mom flew here (God bless her) and paid the price, snow storms, rain, indigestion, and loud, LOUD grandkids (because they were old enough to drink) and LOUD great-grandkids, (who weren't old enough to drink) and me...old enough to drink, and darn-it, it's my house AND MY eggnog!...And so the noise, and the nerves merged together on this, the most holy of holidays, and all i could hear through the din was my blessed and very loving mother-in-law (to me) "i hear the alcohol talking!" Which was a blessing, because if it had been ME talking, it could have been brutal...none the less, it was a great day with the fam-dam-ly and next year i'm asking Santa for a big box filled with valium under the tree!