
Thursday, October 23, 2008

This could have been anyone of us...

Seriously, this could have been anyone of us on any given day..."but Cindy, i don't drag race..." Perhaps you don''s been years since i was challenged to a race and yes, i did use to race back in the late 70's...i was a very good kid (i think anyway) who worked fulltime, and went to college fulltime and didn't drink (well, in the early years anyway)...but yes, i did race my dad's 76 Buick "boat" down Highway 47 at speeds at over 100 miles per hour, and this was the era before seatbelts-no one i knew wore them. And i have no excuse for it. I can't even tell you why i did except someone said "hey Cindy, i'll beat ya to Denny's" or something stupid to that effect...At any time i could have lost control and killed myself, or just as important, i could have killed someone else, someone who didn't deserve to die just because i wanted to shave 3 minutes off my drivetime to Denny's.

Stupid, stupid, stupid...and i still can't tell you why i did it...i have no excuse; i did it and i was lucky, and so was everyone else that day. I was a good kid, doing something incredibly insane, and i was lucky it didn't cost me.

Yet, i see the same mistake happening over and over on Highway 45 on my way to work and back every single day...not that anyone is officially drag racing
...No officer, they're not drag racing, they're just late for work, or running late, or in a hurry, or not paying attention with their speed...
Honestly, it seems as i've slowed down, everyone else is speeding up...if i drive 55 on I-45 i'm afraid i'm going to get run over by a SUV or a truck...don't believe me...feel free to follow me home tonite at's a lot of fun, believe me, but it's not for the faint of heart...

This picture above (reprinted from WTMJ 4) absolutely breaks my heart and my sympathy and prayers are with the family of Justin Meyers, but don't think for one second that couldn't be one of us at any given moment, on any given highway here in Milwaukee.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

They're like cats...except they're dogs and they need a foster family

Question...would you like a dog but worried about long term commitment? you think this picture of Flanders and Fiona is cute?!

I just got an email from Ellen Paulus of Greyhound Pets of America-Wisconsin chapter...there is a real pressing need for foster homes for these Greyhounds...there is just too many retired greyhounds and not enough homes...but this isn't like adopting an animal where you have to take care of it for years and years...(you know, like adopting a turtle, i found out i'm on the hook for 75 years!)
Anyway, here's the email
..."Greyhounds make wonderful pets and there is always a surplus of them. People think they'd be wild and energetic, but nothing could be further from the truth. They are really laid back and calm dogs. More like cats actually."

Hi, we're adorable, and we need a home.

Greyhound Pets of America could really use your help to act as a temporary foster homes for these ex-racers to make a transition to home life while waiting for a home. If your interested, just email my friend Ellen at Or if you want, check out the greyhound website at

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Ringo Starr has announced on his website that as of October 20th, he will no longer be signing autographs or answering his fan mail...and you know what's weird? Up til today, i couldn't have cared less about a Ringo Starr autograph and now all of a sudden i WANT ONE! That's right, 24 hours ago if you had said "hey cindy, Ringo's in the hallway passing out autographs--do ya want one" i'd be like, "nah, not right now, i'm checking to see if the coffee's fresh...or trying to download Beyonce ringtones or watching paint dry..." But now that Ringo has given us some kind of deadline, i'm frantically trying to come up with a Ringo address...

So i went on line and to the best of my knowledge this is his fan mail address;
Ringo Starr
1st Floor
90 Jermyn Street
London SW

I have to give Ringo credit, i do have to tell you he has a reputation for being one of the nicer celebrities in the business and who does, in fact, answer his mail which was also the basis of a famous Simpson episode which appeared in 1991...(yes, i'm a Simpson geek-it was the greatest episode ever)

Oh, and by the way, Ringo's got a new cd coming's called Liverpool 8....hmmmmmmmm, publicity stunt?

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Random thoughts from a simple mind...

Only OJ Simpson, found guilty of all 12 charges of kidnapping and robbery by an all white jury, could claim he was a victim of racism...which, i believe was the same claim made by others after he was found not guilty of murder by an almost all black jury 13 years ago!

News flash...apples can lower your risk of cancer, diabetes, and lower your they turn it into a pill I'll start taking it!

So another presidential mean town hall meeting comes and goes and Obama and McCain must think we're stupid...ok...maybe not Obama and McCain, both whom i personally like but neither one of them said or offered up one real thing that i could go, "you have my vote..." I mean there was nothing new to go on (one's about change although I'm not sure how since he didn't go into details and one is a maverick, but couldn't really come up with anything that separated him from the current administration) and i guess maybe i should blame their handlers, press agents or whoever is telling them what to say...or i could just go "screw you both I'm voting Nader!"

And tomorrow John Lennon would have been 68 years old...what a waste huh? And the guy that shot him, Mark David Chapman, recently tried to get paroled after 28 was denied of you remember the reason Mark gave for killing a Beatle? He wanted to become famous!...Well Mark, if you wanted to spend less time in jail, maybe you should have killed someone a little less famous!!!

Monday, October 06, 2008

True ghost story...or why i don't get coffee after 8 here.

After suffering through the final Brewer loss of the season, and unwilling to subject myself to yet another Packer disaster, i decided to take a little walk through the, the dog, and an interesting tree...hey wait a minute...look closer...did that tree just wink at me?
It's interesting what you can find if your just willing to look a little closer, like here at work, for i don't believe in ghosts...but i do believe that there are people here that do...and that's because a certain little spirit has been bothering them late at night...apparently this ghost shows up sometime after 8 pm when most of the employees here have gone home and are listening to Terry Love on the i want to emphasize that this certain "spirit" has never bothered me ever...I've never had the hair on the back of my neck stand up, I've never had the chill of fear or whatever you get when something from another dimension shows up...but that might be because this--whatever it is--doesn't particularly care for me...nope...this "spirit or mist" likes to bother the female jock on our alternative rock sister station...showing up late at night to peek through her window while she's on the doesn't hurt that she's cute, young and blond i suppose...making me suspect that this is a male spook...although, it scared the heck out of another of their early morning weekend jocks, who happened to be male, which makes me think that the spook overslept...which again, makes me suspect it's not only a male ghost, it's probably a of our older jocks who is "in tune" to this sort of thing once observed this spook who was walking around late at night wearing a baseball cap and cut-offs and little else...which struck her as weird as it was late December...oh, and she could see through him--that was the other tip off that something wasn't normal...however, when this "thing" realized he-it-whatever was being observed...he disappeared...totally freaking her out...which is why when she comes to work late at night she always brings coffee from home now, and which is why I, who firmly doesn't believe in such nonsense...never goes into the last place this spook was observed after 8 pm (the kitchen)...not because i believe or i'm afraid, but because i figure i have enough problems with the live ones...why cheese off the undead?