
Sunday, October 15, 2006

A Finicky turtle and chocolate beer

Well, i just learned something today. Our box turtle who has been a member of our family for the past 3 or 4 years has taste buds...(yep, bet you didn't see that coming...for the past couple of weeks i have posting things about how i think Andrea Yates sucks and how Amish people are better then me and then i hit you out of left field with a turtle, and his taste buds)...which was a huge surprise to me, almost as surprising as finding out our turtle has ears...for what i don't know...i mean, he doesn't come when we call ("here Turtleturtleturtle"), but yes, he has those too, and that knowledge only cost 75 bucks, in "people money"...

It all started a couple of weeks ago when i noticed a huge lump on the side of the turtles face, he was looking at me and i was looking at him and i'm thinking "is that suppose to be there or what?"...his appetite for strawberries and grapes ended about the same time...the vet explained it this way..."a turtle can eat the same thing for years and years and then one day with no warning he will just stop eating it"...i wish that would happen to day, with no warning, i just decide NO MORE CHOCOLATE...that's it...weight problem solved...which brings me to "HAPPY NEWS!"

I think that rates a happy face, don't you?! It's being put out by Miller Brewing Company just in time for Christmas AND it will brewed with six different malts INCLUDING chocolate and dark chocolate...this being Wisconsin i can only think the idea started something like this with the collision of two rocket scientist;

"Sir, you have chocolate in my beer!"
"And you have beer in my chocolate!"

The beer is going to be sold any day now for $5.99 and i'm thinking me and the turtle are going to celebrate this Christmas in with a pint of chocolate beer and the turtle with-i dunno, anything but my beer, now that i just found out he has ears, it would be my luck he has a liver too, and i don't have an extra 75 bucks for that...

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Why the Amish are better then you and me...

OK...just me then...

Your probably better then me too, because there is just NO WAY i could have been that forgiving if someone had shot ten little girls in my community (and five of them died!) No way! I would have been madder then heck and i would have let everyone know probably have heard how the Amish in Pennsylvania, on hearing that a local milkman-madman had shot and killed some of their neighbors, daughters and friends, promptly forgave him and lent their support to his widow and children.
Wow! What's wilder...that their forgiveness made major headlines...shows you how rare something like that is...

And i'm a little ashamed too...not at the fact that they can forgive and i, probably not as much...but at the fact that i always sort of, well, i didn't think i was better then them but i certainly didn't understand how they could stubbornly cling to the 1800's while the rest of us went wizzing by them in son and i were driving towards Iowa one freezing January Sunday morning on Highway 18 when we passed several of the Wisconsin Amish on their way towards church...i had the heat blaring and the radio on and they were huddled together in open air wagons with son had never seen Amish before and simply couldn't believe that they didn't have cars, and television and PS 2's..."they don't want to live in our world" i told him then...and today, who can blame them?

But the fact that they can forgive and continue to love after all that has happened to them...well, i'm not even in their league.